Chapter 1 - Calling in the favor

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  • Dedicated to To everyone who supported MLP this is for you!


Well here we go!

Its not very long, I wanted to make it longer but i didnt want to give too much away in the first chapter so it will have to make do. I have tried to add more too it but there isnt really much more, i kind of just want to leave it as this!

Hope you enjoy!

Chapter 1 - Calling in the favour

"Mom! There behind us!" I shouted as the car jerked round the corner causing head to smash against the window

"Put your seatbelt on!" She shouted back but her full concentrating was on the road. I still obediently put my seatbelt on.

Mom cursed when she looked in the wind mirror, the people were still behind us. She tightened her grip on the steering wheel and pushed her foot down harder on the gas making us speed up even more as we screeched round the corner into a busy road.

"Mom!" I cried as she hurtled through a red light only just narrowly avoiding the massive truck that had been heading for us blearing its horn. I looked back as it swerved into a shop as the driver lost control, causing all the traffic to smash their breaks on to a halt their own horns now screaming out everywhere. Mom quickly turned into a quieter road, the speed dial still way over sixty, a man crossing the road with his dog looked like a deer in headlights as we hurtled towards him. Mom drove the car onto the sidewalk so we missed him by inches she turned back onto the road and the car joggled as we went down the curb.

"What the hell was that?" I screamed.

"I knew we shouldn't have moved back here" Mom groaned smacking the steering wheel.

"Back?" We hadn't ever been in this state. We moved around a lot because Mom liked to make sure we didn't stay in one place for too long as it could be dangerous, apparently. The longest place we had stayed in was three years but then Mom got paranoid that she saw someone she knew and we moved to this new place just under a year ago.

"This is where me and your Dad used to live" she told me as she started to head into the downtown area that I had been forbidden to go to since we moved here.

"So..." I tried to make sense of what had just happened; we had been ambushed by big scary men in our kitchen, then Mom beat the daylights out of them with me helping - and the frying pan - then we have just been involved in a mini car chase, and finally we are now in the most grittiest place I have ever been. This had all happened in the space of twenty five minutes whist I'm in my pyjamas.

"Clara, it’s a big world out there..." Mom started

"And there are not nice people out there, those people had done things to you and to me but I can't remember anything, well some but it’s faint. You have told me this millions of times Mom, why again?"

"Because" she took a deep breath "we have to go back into that world" she said simply like I should understand completely what she means.

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