Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 

Fated Destiny

Security at the Sons of Saints clubhouse had been amped up severely. With the addition of the new recruits it worked out with them trying to earn their patches and yet still having more men on the clock. Not much information was given about the severity of Rosie's attack. It had left Matt in a foul mood; Abel was in worse condition one of his men has been murdered in cold blood. 

It just wasn't empty threats anymore it was an attack whoever this person was they had killed a member of The Vipers, attacked a member of the Viper Vixens and the woman of a Sons of Saints member.  Rosie may wear the cut of the Viper Vixens which is under the Vipers but she was a women claimed by a standing officer of the Sons of Saints. That alone was reason enough it was a given you didn’t mess with a claimed women that was a clear sign of disrespect. 

It's like adding fire to a tank of propane you didn't need a genius to know what would happen, the result could and would be devastating if not taken care of. Jace was precautious even in the little things he didn't want to take any chances. Call him paranoid but whatever kept him breathing and his club intact then he would gladly take the given name. This wasn't just a random attack it was precise they knew how to get in and out without a damn sign.

Jace didn’t like it but there wasn’t much that could be done at this point, he’d done everything that he could do. They had the run coming up in two days that couldn’t be postponed; they would be going in hot there was a lot of risks when it came to a gun run then add in this unknown attacker. It could end up blowing back up in there face but Jace would be damned to be intimidated.  

The Destructors were a neutral MC they had been in talks for months before they finally agreed the payout was big a 40 to 60 percent for their first run.  With that they would be able to lay low for a while working on their own shops. All they could do was keep their guards up and hope for the best but knowing their luck it would end up in disaster. If there ever was a time to pray right about now would be the appropriate time.

Matt had kept Rosie close since her attack, it was if she had suddenly become glued to his side Jace swears that when he went to the bathroom she followed. All he could do was shake his head at the extent he was willing to go for her, especially when he requested to bring her along on the run. He had blinked in surprise not sure if he had heard right, he couldn’t believe what Matt had asked. It was known you never brought your woman on a run there was business and then pleasure you didn’t mix those two ever!

He could understand the sense to protect her but he had to draw a line, Matt was his VP but that didn’t give him any special treatment. Jace assured Matt that she would be under the clubhouse protection they would be gone a little less than a day it would be fine. His counterargument had been on point if whoever was after her had managed to get into the Vipers clubhouse who was to say it couldn’t happen with them. Jace acknowledged this fact but regardless of it democracy ruled within the club, the men weren’t having it and there was nothing that could be done it was out of his hands. Matt was just going to have to accept that or face the consequences.

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