Chapter 5 - The Queen VS The Geek

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Oh geez! I’m so so happy! OMG! I can’t believe it! Pinch me, am I dreaming? She’s In Love With A Geek #19 in Humor and #36 in Teen Fiction!

You’re all the best! I hope you’ll support me till the very end! =)

This is originally my first story but I stopped writing it last year because the inspiration left me and now all the ideas are rushing back! I’m so glad that I’m writing this again. =) I hope you love it as much as I love writing it.



CHAPTER 5 – The Queen VS The Geek.


I can’t believe this is happening to me.

My Dad is totally over reacting. How can he do such thing? Is this his way of being a father to me? Well, it’s definitely not working. It’s just getting from worse to worst. After ditching me again on Christmas holidays, this is what he’s going to repay me?

Come on!

I’m getting all flustered and frustrated.

I have to end this soon. This should not be on the list of My Superb Senior Year. The sooner I talked to that errand boy, the sooner this problem will be solved.

This is it. The faculty room.

And where could that errand boy be?

What was his name again? I totally forgot. I’m not really good with names, especially if they’re not even in my circle.

I think I might be forgetting something here. Wait, I just broke that boy’s heart last year. What if he refused to give me the copy of exam papers? Should I flirt with him, offer to be his girlfriend again?

Nah, Courtney Collins will never do the same thing twice. I’ll just act friendly again and ask nicely. If he declined, which I highly doubt ‘coz let’s face it, no one says no to Courtney Collins. But if he dared to, threatening him will solve everything. No one wants to be on my bad side because if they do, they’ll taste the worst of the worst.

I’m so mean. I know, right?

When I was about to knock, the door of the faculty room opened. A boy came out. Surprised expression was written all over his face. He looked stunned or something. But I couldn’t care less; I have a mission to make.

I cleared my throat and asked him a question. “Excuse me, where’s the errand boy?”

“Errand boy?” He frowned.

“Yeah, I just said that. Are you deaf or something? You want me to say it out loud?”

“There is no such person named, errand boy, here.” He cleared out. I can sense some irritation in his voice.

“Oh really? How about the person who do stuff for the teachers and…”

“You mean Student Assistant.” He corrected me before I even finished my sentence.

“Yeah whatever you call that. Where is he?” I asked impatiently. This guy thinks he’s too smart just because he’s wearing glasses.

“I am the errand boy.” Is this guy playing with me? He is so not that errand boy.

“No. You’re not the person I’m looking for. He’s smaller and thinner with…”

“You mean last year’s SA, Jeremy?”

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