Epilogue - Zero is my Vampire Knight

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  • Dedicated to For EVERYONE that read this book to the end and hasn't had anything bad to say a

I lie here. That’s all I’ve done since I’ve come here. I can’t move from this position and I can only feel the breeze touch the gap where my heart should be. Everyones afterlife is different on what it will turn out like, here I’m paralysed and I’m stuck with the gapping hole that burdens my death. I still have the blue dress on from the ball but my mask is broken. Only half of it is intact which I wear now hiding the run mascara. I don’t have any sense of time here but I feel pierces along my body every once in a while as if a vampire has bitten me in the real world. Death is meant to be painless but never did I imagine the pain I would feel is the understanding I’ve left so much behind and I’ve only just found it.

              The wind picks up whistling the daisies by me and I can feel them touch my porcelain skin. I can hear the rush, sense a new presense in my death that I can move to stand up. My useless legs give in but someone catches me before I fall. This person’s grip doesn’t leave my side as I turn around to see my saviour. “Zero?”

               “Surprised?” He asks, puzzled that I wouldn’t think it was him. Zero looked exactly the same. No wound showing yet he lacked colour. Everywhere around us colour bloomed but here he’s just black and white. The sun should be shining on him but nothing glitters off him. His hair doesn’t shimmer and his eyes aren’t lilac nor red just grey, unemotional. Maybe this is what Zero is. Maybe this is how he is dead or is pursued by others.

               His clothes are battered. He’s missing his blue shirt – not that I’m complaining – and there’s only one side of his suit. His trousers are like pirates, knee high all ripped, but his fancy shoes stay the same. No spots of blood or rip. Expensive Italian leather I presume. Silver vines appear out of his body intwining themselves around him. Here, I realise that Zero has always been there for me. Even though he ran away from me at my house, he was watching me from Takuma’s house. He knew what Marceau was planning. He’s been there for me more than Takuma has. Here, I realise Zero is my Vampire Knight.

               “I know I’m dead, because this is where you took me when you were going to bite me and the huge hole where my heart should be but you don’t have anything wrong with you so are you dead?” I comment lying back down on the grass in the exact same position as I feel weak again. It’s like someone is draining me from the other world. Maybe it’s Zero connecting with me here.

               “No, I’m not dead.” Zero states, lying down next to me. I shift my weight so that I’m on my side looking into those once lilac eyes that trapped me. “I took you away so that I could properly give you a good send off. We’re all going to be there. But at the minute I’m connected to you through our minds.”

               “Can any vamp do that?”

               “I think so.”

               “Is Takuma ok?” I ask, hoping that he’s ok. I never got to say goodbye or how I felt towards him. To anybody. I want to tell Zero how I feel about him right now but I don’t want to scare him off. I like this. Peaceful and neither of us arguing. Its like we could spend hours here without even noticing the days pass by.

               “He’s awake and moving. But he’s heartbroken Chika. Never have I ever seen a guy, a vampire guy, cry over a human girl this much. He loves you more than anything Chika and he wants to talk to you but I got here first.” He explains, brushing a tear off my cheek. He keeps his hand there for a few seconds before placing it on the ground ever so near my face. “I’m sorry that I left you Chika. I’m sorry I’ve been a jerk towards you when you get it at home. I never meant for you to end up like this. I wanted you to get out of this vampire knowledge when I worked out what Kaname was doing.”

               “What was he planning?”

               “He wants humans to know about vampires but not for their to be bloodshed. You were the guinea pig and look where you’ve ended up. I should have pushed you away. This is my fault Chika.” Zero chokes back, water wells up in his eyes. Man, he really does care about me. His eyes never leave mine as the tears pour down our cheeks. Ever so quickly I’m in his embrace that it spooks me for a second. I bury my face into his porcelain chest, feeling no beat of a heart but it doesn’t bother me because this is what Zero is and he just has to except it. The silver metalic vines wrap themselves around my waist pushing me closer to him. “Chika,” He whispers into my hair, “I’m so sorry.”

               Closing my eyes feeling his breath on my hair I say, “I forgive you, Zero.”

               “I never got to say this to you,” He speaks, leaning back so we can look into each others eyes. “I…I love you Chika Hayes and I would have done anything to help you escape your father. I would….” He kept rambling on about everything and anything but I couldn’t hear what he was saying. My ears kept replaying those five words that I’ve never heard from anyone in a long time, let alone a guy. A vampire guy. A small smile appears on my face making him stop speaking.

               “I love you too.” My smile grows bigger yet tears still pour out of my eyes as I could have had such a beautiful life with Zero. I would be there for him and if he needed blood I would give because its what you do when your in love. He’d look after me so I would him. Zero’s fingers rub away the sorrows. “I don’t mean to cry, I’m just so happy that its depressing because I’m dead.”

              I look at Zero and notice that he’s fading. He’s not the bold grey that appeared only a few minutes ago. He’s washy like an artist using grey watercolour. Instinctly for not wanting him to leave, I kiss him. For all the confusion he’d caused me, there was nothing vague about this. Nothing unclear about how he felt or how I did. Nothing equivocal about his hand on my waist or the way my hand slide up from his toned white chest to his silky hair. In death, Zero’s the only guy I’ve kissed. He’s my first and ever one that I can taste my tears.

               Pulling away, I sit back up pissed off at life that I’m only happy now I’m dead. “I didn’t mean to make you cry.”

               “Then what did you come here for Zero?” I snap, wanting him to leave. It’s not his fault but he’s making me happy here in his embrace and clearly that can’t happen now that he’s practically a line art. “Did you think you could make me happy? Well you have but too late. I’m dead.”

               “Chika, I didn’t mean…”

               “I know… I’m sorry. But why did you really come? Closure?”

               “Pretty much.” He comments. Zero kisses my cheek before he stands up. His 2-D shape turns to be just a grey line but I hear his voice perfectly clear. “What Sara has done to you has stirred up the Vampire Hunters and some Vampires. Soon there will be more with you here, Chika. I will be one of them. Please wait for me.”

               A light explodes from behind me and I feel it drag me into it. It drags my soul away from the limp body on the grass floor. “Zero, help me.” I shout. He looks up and races towards me but I’m getting pulled faster. “I love you.”

               “Love…you” I mange to hear before I vanish


It's the end of Zero is my Vampire Knight. But it's not over for me. If you would very kindly go and read some of my other fan based work on fanfiction.net I would be very very very very gratefull. Always comment because I love to hear what you guys have to say. Thank you xx

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