The Groups

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So you've decided to join? Great! Let's put you in your group. The following chart will describe each type of designer.

The Royals: These are the designers that are amazing in every way. Their designs are flawless and they are friendly. Usual well known. Gets into a lot of drama because of graphic stealing.

The Oblivious: These are the newbies who come on here and act like they are amazing at designing, when they still don't know how to blend.

The Confused: These are the poor bastards who don't know their way around the club. Mostly friendly, quite annoying.

The FrEe CoVeRs!!!! P*R*O: There is literally no name that can fit this group. That's it. The name just describes them.

The "Goddamn It Guys I'm Just Here to Design": I am a firm believer in this group. They mingle, they create, they don't even touch the drama shit.

Now, which group are you?

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