Chapter 4

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Chapter Four:

Heylo,I started this as soon as I finished my last chapter :) I currently have half my nose blocked with a cold and harbouring a horrible virus that makes my toilet my best friend because my fiancé believes that sharing is caring. Awesommeeeee (-_-“).

Don’t forget to comment/fan/like to help me get better :D

Nix <3 xx


[Nate’s POV]

I open my eyes feeling a little groggy when a clap of thunder shook the walls of my bedroom. What time was it? I looked over to the clock to see it read 9.35pm. What the hell? How long was I out for?

I hear a faint scream but wasn’t sure if it was the tv or nothing at all. Something wasn’t right, something was definitely off. Automatically I glance over to Roxy’s balcony and see two silhouettes. One, the smaller one, is lying on the bed. The other bigger one is hovering over the smaller one with one knee on the bed and the other leg on the ground. Instantly jealousy spread throughout my body, heated blood boiled in my veins.

Roxy had a guy over… Roxy had a guy over and they were on her bed. What the fuck? I thought there was something between us, surely she felt the sexual tension? Besides she never mentioned any guy! I looked away in anger and… jealousy. But it was like a car crash, a horrible car crash where you know it’s there and horrific, but something about the situation makes you have a need to look, to watch.

I glance back, my eyebrows furrowed together. No something wasn’t right. I walked out onto my balcony despite the sting of cold rain hammering my skin. Roxy was obviously the smaller one and it didn’t look as though they were getting it on.

The Roxy silhouette scrambles backwards moving higher on the bed and with both hands reaches for a … lamp? She throws it towards the bigger silhouette, who ducks it, and it jumps on top of her with its hand holding something against her. By now, I’m leaning so far over my balcony railing that my hand slips and I lean backwards to stop from falling over. Thunder and lightning fight against each other in the black inky sky and I’m torn on what the hell is happening. Is she being attacked or are they having kinky foreplay sex?

I look back and see that the unknown silhouette rips off material from Roxy and I look away. They’re having kinky foreplay, I decided. My shoulders slump down into a hunch and I walk dejectedly back towards the shelter of my room. A shrill scream filled the night that even the thunder couldn’t muffle and my head snaps back to Roxy.

“SHIT!” I yell. She’s being attacked! No she’s fucking about to get raped! I look down at the ground and know that it’d take way too long to run downstairs, over to her house, kick the door open and run back up her stairs. The fucker could already be… I wince, raping my best friend.

“Fuck it!” I yell again. I run as far into my room as I can before running full speed at my balcony railings. I jump up, my shoe managing to grab the slippery railing, and I push my legs as hard as I can so I can jump as close as I can to Roxy’s balcony.

I stretch out my arms and grit my teeth, only sheer determination and anger fueling my jump. My knees hit her railing and I slide backwards. My hands shoot up to grab the metal and cuss in my head that it just had to rain tonight.

Pulling with everything I have, I managed to get my body up and over the railing and fall with a slap on the balcony. Not even a second later I’m up and running towards her doors.

“Shiiiiitttttttttttt!!!!!” I yell as I lower my head away from the doors and shove my shoulder straight into the glass. It shatters and I fall into a heap of the tiny shards of glass feeling them slice and cut my skin.

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