Chapter 3 - The Drama Club President

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I’m so thrilled and ecstatic that this story had ranked up to #57 in Teen Fiction and #39 in Humor. Wow, I mean, WOW! That early?

Thanks for your undying support to my story. =))

For those who’re wondering, this story had been uploaded and on-hold since last year. I decided to delete it because I have to alter some of the scenes and add few characters. You’ll see in the next chapters to come.

Thank you again! Hope you like this story.

Chapter Dedication: The creator of this lovely banner. Thanks =)


Chapter 3 – The Drama Club President

** CHAD’s POV **

We’re at the auditorium. We’re all gathered here for the annual opening assembly to welcome a new school year. The introductory speech was held by the school principal Mr. Frank Cleveland.

"I’m Frank Cleveland, the principal of Beverly Hills High School. I'm pleased to welcome each and every one of you. This is a new school year for us and we all hope that it will be the best.”

“To all freshmen students and transferees. Know where your classes are. I don’t want excuses of you being late because you’re lost. That’s an old, pathetic and lame alibi. I’m watching you.”

Mr. Cleveland’s speech about the first years earned a lot of laugh and mocks from the upperclassmen. Freshmen were always the center of attraction in every school year. This is where they choose who’s going to be bullied and who’ll be the next jocks and queens.

Lame, I know, because this is High School.

Luckily, I came here as a transferee back in tenth grade. At that time, they already set who’s going to be what and I’m exempted with the picking. I’m categorized as the undiscovered one. Meaning I’m totally invisible to everyone. That’s the way I like it.

Mr. Cleveland cleared his throat to catch back the attention of the students. “To all seniors…” He started, and the seniors started to hail loudly. “…this is the last year for all of you. Some will make it some may not. Do not enjoy too much, you might fail your subjects and never graduate.”

The seniors began booing and protesting. Mr. Cleveland ordered everyone to settle down and continued with his speech. “To the rest of the students, I don’t want to see your face in my office.” 

“On the other topic. I would like to announce that the newly renovated library is now available.” I thought that it will be his last announcement but then, this assembly will never be complete without an honoring remark to the queen’s father.

“Thanks to Mr. William Collins, the father of our humble student, Courtney Collins, who donated it to our school.”

Just as I thought. I said to myself.

Everyone began cheering and clapping. I saw Collins stood up and nod her head dramatically to the applauding crowd.

This girl is really so full of herself. She must really love the attention, huh? I don’t know why yearly, Mr. Collins donates something in this school. Maybe he wants to bribe the principal so that his daughter would continue to rule in her so-called kingdom.

No one bothers to know the reason and I’m trying my best to refrain myself from giving harsh comments about that girl. Who knows what might happen. The universe is really not on my side right now.

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