Ego: Opaque

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The flight wasn't long; thankfully. I helped Harry take the carry on bags from the compartment above us and he fussed the whole time claiming that I shouldn't be lifting heavy. It's not like I'm pregnant I mean I took the test. But I also haven't gotten my monthly curse yet and it's past the seventeenth. Don't sweat it Valerie, you're not pregnant.

"Back home. I can already feel my fathers hostility seeping through the front door." I say as I stare begrudgingly at the front door of my parents house.

"Val don't you think you're being a bit dramatic." Harry laughs as I battle with myself if I should see them now or wait till tomorrow.

"Oh no I know that look you're going inside." He says shooing me through the passenger side door.

Here goes nothing.

I knock on the door and the person I didn't want to answer did. I didn't even have a chance to have my mums warm personality prep me for my fathers hard and domineering one.


"Father." He doesn't like to be called dad. Who is wearing a crisp button down shirt with pleated trousers and fucking dress shoes at twelve in the afternoon? My father that's who.

"You brought him along?" He asked in disgust referring to Harry leaning up against the hood of his baby (the Range Rover.)

"Father can we not do this now?" I asked pinching the bridge of my nose.

"I only want what's best for you!" My father shouted. "And dating this, this, pop star is not what is best for you." He continued on.

"It's been five years and he wasn't even famous when we started dating. Mum was totally cool with it and supported us the whole time." I explained.

"She supported you huh? Has either of you even spoken to one another in the past three years going on four since you've been in America?" That stung a little especially since I heard it from my father.

"Why can't you see that I'm happy daddy?" His usually hard exterior softened drastically but he pulled himself together quickly. Harry's arm snaked around my waist.

"Mr. O'Conner." Harry says politely extending his free hand out.

"I know you won't shake my hand, but I just want you to know that I do have respect for you and your daughter." He pulled his hand back.

"You have respect for me and my daughter? She hasn't spoken to us in three years." My dad spat.

"I hope I don't come off as rude but Val's home cellphone number has never changed. Granted she did have to get a second phone for America." Harry sounds so mature when he speaks to my dad, it's very impressive. His grip on my hip has increased noticeably.

"Also. Why haven't you called her? I can't tell you how many times she's ran to that phone thinking that it rang until finally she just gave up. The phone has a coat of dust over it." I gave up after the first two years, checking for text messages, voicemails, emails anything! But nothing ever came.

"Victor! Who's at the door?" My mums voice rang through the house as smooth as honey that it sent shivers down my spine.

"Val! Harry!" She squeals pulling us both into a big bear hug. She pulls away and gives me the up and down a large smile starting to grace her beautiful features.

"You come with me now!" She smiles.

"Mum? What are you doing?" I chuckle nervously. I don't want to leave Harry and my father alone but I have no choice seeing as I'm being inside by my mother.

She shoves me inside of their bedroom and locks the door behind her.

"You're pregnant!" She squeals quietly.

"I'm not! I took a test when I went to the doctor and he said I wasn't." I confided in my mum.

"I can tell! You're glowing!" She gushes.

"Mum you've been around those paint fumes for to long." I noticed that she and/or dad painted the inside of the house. I think I hear laughing coming from downstairs.

"Mum. Listen." She quiets and we both here it. Harry and my father are actually having a friendly conversation.

"But Val baby you are. All the women of the family get that look." I can't have this conversation with my mum.

"I was going to tell you guys to be safe but obviously you haven't been."

"Mum!" I flush as she laughs her head off.

"Are you guys going to stay here?"

"I don't think Harry wants to push his luck with dad and he already dropped our stuff off at his parents house." I admit and she nods her head in understanding. We spent the rest of day with my mum apparently my dad wasn't laughing with Harry, one of his work friends had called. I don't know why I think that was even possible.

We spent most of the day there while my dad avoided us by staying in his "man cave."


"I'm exhausted!" I groan as we walk through the front door of his old house. It sure does bring back memories and it's still as clean as I remember.

"You want to take a trip down memory lane?" He smiles taking my hand and leading me upstairs. He unlocks his bedroom door with his free hand. Everything is exactly the same minus the clothes and books on the floor.

I sat on the semi-firm bed and many many memories come flooding back to me.

"Good times." He laughs and I flush.

"But I have to admit you've gotten a thousand times better." The blush that had been creeping up my neck has reached my cheeks.

"Gee, thanks!" I laugh.

"I am one to praise someone on their improvements," he said as he stood between my legs, "and Miss O'Conner you have improved immensely." He smirks as he runs his thumb over my bottom lip.

"Why thank you Mr. Styles, I've had a great tutor." I answer in a sultry tone.

"I believe that tutor deserves a very handsome reward, don't you think so?"

"You are so right. I'll be right back let me go call him." I stood up quickly and started to walk towards the door. He pulled me back laughing as our lips connected and moved together in harmony.

"You're house is much more quiet than I remember." I say.

"Not for long." He smirks, gently pushing me on the bed.

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