| Chapter Seventeen : The First Official Date {Alex's POV} |

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{Alex's Point of View}

I smiled at her as I held her hand. Her delicate fingers locked together with mine like a perfect match. I knew I had told myself to never fall for a girl...ever again...but I couldn't help it. Ever since Joce came up to me that one day, almost two months ago, things changed. The enemy I thought she was turned out to be my friend. I knew I had lost the game already, but I had to keep playing. I have to keep pretending as though I don't like her... Because... I don't think she really likes me back. I don't think she's honestly telling me she likes me.

And she doubts me too.

Even with my playboy background, it still stings. We're complete opposites, we should attract, right? But it feels like we're pushing away instead.

And it hurts.

Just like the last time I fell for a girl.

I snapped out of my thoughts and pulled out a chair for Joce to sit down on before gently pushing her in towards the table and going to my seat across from her. I was going to prove that I cared about her, no matter what.

The moment is right... I'm going to seize it and take her as mine.


The waiter came around and asked for our drinks to start off with.

"I'd like a coke please." I said, looking over at him. I tensed up. For some reason I thought he was looking at Joce a bit funny, almost as if...

Whoa, hang on man. Get a freaking grip! You're acting like the stupid chick flicks where a female waitress comes up and winks at the guy and the girl goes nuts and holy freaking crap this is weird. Imma shut up now...

"Hmm, I'd like a root beer please." Her soft tone trilled out like perfect bells ringing on a Sunday afternoon.

To be completely honest, I've been starting to like Joce more and more. Before I confessed to her, I liked her. It was weird because I'd stay up because her face haunted my dreams... But that's not why I stayed up or why I was kind of panicking. I was panicking because I was starting to like Joce.

It was a weird feeling since I've never been this way in a while. It's just one girl after another. Like toys. You don't like one, you give it off to someone else to play with. Pathetic, I know, but it's just who I am now.

I tried snapping myself out of liking Joce, but every time I got near her a part of me wanted to change. Change again, for the better. Change my whole personality.

But the way she acts around me... Well, I don't know. I wish I could jump into her brain once in a while and know what she's thinking, what she wants. Life would be so much more easier...

"Pick whatever you want. It's on me tonight, I don't care the price." I said, nodding once and smiling at her. Her smile curled at her lips before she thanked me and looked at the menu.

Geez is she cute. The way she scrunched her nose, her smile... Everything.

Ahem, mental talking to self mode. GET A GRIP ALEX, MAN! YOU'RE SOUNDING LIKE A GIRL. HOLY...

All better.

My eyes scanned the menu, looking for something that sounded good. Something cheaper, too. Just in case. ...I hope she won't order a freaking plain salad. Girls like that are just boring, in my opinion anyways.

I finally picked a chicken wrap and fries. I sat my menu down and awkwardly looked around, waiting for Joce to finish picking. I didn't want to be a "stalker" and just sit there, staring at her. But I didn't know what else to do. So I tried to stealthy look at her and pretend I was looking at the front of her menu... Or maybe even the wall. Good thing she was barely paying attention.

I know it's a short time, but I want to try this relationship out; I want her mine for real. I want her to give me a chance to prove myself. I want to be hers, not just a short-term time span, but a long time. I want to have her as my own and hold her close like I mean it, and so she'll know I like her.

Maybe even love her.

I don't know, my mind is a jumbled mess in a huge knot. It sucks.

Soon the waiter came back around and asked us what we'd like to eat. And of course, ladies first. "You go first." I said to Joce, nodding towards the waiter.

"Okay...um...I'd like a cheese burger without tomatoes, a bit extra mayo, and pickles. Fries and some applesauce too please." She finished, closing the menu and handing it to the waiter as she smiled warmly at him.

I tensed a bit again as he smiled back, almost glistening from her smiling at him. Gosh, dude, back the freaking frack off. And Alex, shut the heck up man! Enough with the talking to yourself. Gosh.

"And for you, sir?" Asked the waiter, snapping me back from arguing with myself. Yeah, you'd better call me sir.

"I'll have the chicken wrap with fries, please." I said, not wanting to say please at the end. But tonight I'm not going to be an idiot.

I'm going to prove to Joce that I have what it takes, that I do like her... That I do want her. Even though I'm losing at my own game, being with her feels so right. From her beautiful long flowing hair to her toes I like her. I'm not wanting to "get in her pants", I could care less about that. I've changed slowly and slightly since we've started this stupid little game. I've started caring about Joce. I've wanted to see her more everyday...talk to her more...hug her close and never let her go.


Finally the food came out, piping hot. The wisps of steam streamed up to my nose and tickled it, playing with the emptiness of my stomach. I tried to get a gulp of my coke and chillax the "starvation" thing going on in my stomach. I looked over at her and smiled a genuine small smile. She smiled back, baring her pearly white and perfect teeth as her grin spread across her face. If I didn't know any better I'd think she's having fun with me...the school popular bad boy.

I grabbed for a biscuit that was to the side of my plate on a smaller plate and slapped some butter on. I spread it around then reached for the honey that was sitting next to the ketchup and jellies and squirted a pile on. The stringy gooey goodness made my mouth water in anticipation. I mentally screamed at the inanimate object to hurry up and stop stringing honey so I could eat it before I sound like a dying grizzly and freak out Joce. Finally I pulled the biscuit up to my mouth and took a bite out of it - almost half the biscuit was now in my mouth and did it taste good. I was starving.

She did the same and giggled as some honey dotted on her nose. I chuckled a bit between the food in my mouth as I watched her wipe off the honey. She was as sweet as honey and as priceless as porcelain. I can't understand how I got this way or why she started this ghastly game, but boy oh boy was she looking cuter and cuter every stinking day.

The food finally cooled down enough for us to start eating. Instead of eating slowly and taking small bites, Joce took a huge bite out of her burger and shoved a few fries in her mouth. I grinned at her then took a bite of my food as well.

"Oh..uh... I know, I'm a pig when I eat." Joce said after she gulped down her food and wiped her mouth with her napkin.

I shook my head and chuckled a bit around my bite then swallowed it and spoke up, "I like a girl with an appetite. The others are always just getting a boring salad or something when I can tell they're hungry. You just go out there and eat food."

She giggled a bit and blushed as she smiled lightly and looked down at her plate. She tucked a lock of her gorgeous dirty blonde basically brown hair out of her face and took another bite – a bit smaller – of her burger. I grinned as I took a gulp of my own drink and took another bite of my chicken wrap.

Soon enough we were both finished with our food and were sipping at out drink while we talked a bit. We couldn't get an actual conversation going since neither of us could figure out what exactly to talk about. Suddenly the waiter came back.

Great, this guy again? Can't they replace him with someone else? Like, come on!

"How was your food?" He asked politely smiling and holding his note pad.

"Great, thanks!" Joce chimed out, smiling and nodding.

"Good." I stated simply.

"Can I get you two anything else? Maybe desert?" He asked.

I looked at Joce and grinned, "If you want something go ahead."

"Well, only if you'll share with me, babe." She stated, winking lightly and smiling.

I chuckled to myself lightly and nodded, "Alright. Surprise me I guess."

I plugged my ears and closed my eyes, but I could hear them still. They were talking in whispers... Gosh I wanted to open my eyes and make him leave. She was mine. Sure it was a game... For now, but she's still mine.

"Okay you can stop doing that now." Joce called out, laughing a bit.

I opened my eyes and stuck my tongue out at her. She stuck her tongue out at me as she scrunched her nose a little and bit her tongue lightly as she sort of grinned as it stuck out.

We started talking about the most random thing you could think of while we waited for the desert to come. I played it cool – not really caring as I melted on the inside. You might find me acting all girly and crap, but I'm not. I'm still bad; I still have my reputation, but I'm starting to care for one girl. One special girl.

Once the waiter came back with the desert we just stared at it. I smirked, time to get my game on.

"Take the first bite, baby." I said softly, gesturing to the ice cream cake in front of us.

She smiled to herself and replied, "No, you go ahead sweetie. I ordered it, now you try it first."

"No, I insist...girl's first." I smirked and nodded to the cake. She rolled her eyes.

I knew she wouldn't give up this easily, another reason why I she's amusing.

"Oh, I so do not believe in that crap. You take the first bite. Seriously." She insisted, gesturing to the cake.

"Baby girl, just take a bite. Seriously!" I said back, raising my eyebrows lightly and pursing my lips together as I gave her slight puppy dog eyes and a little pout. I tried to get her falling for me, at least give into me and take the dang first bite.

She froze as soon as the word "Baby girl" escaped from my lips, I smirked. Well, well...new nickname for my baby girl.

"N-no, you take a bite," She finally snapped out of it and stared at me...pausing for a second before her peachy pink lips spread again with a cute trill sliding out as she spoke up. Everything else faded away as I just watched her talk... I was zoning out. The edges around her were getting blurry as I stared at her and her beauty. Her dirty blonde hair bounced lightly around as her mouth opened and closed as she talked. My eyes led up to hers. Her gorgeous, chocolatey brown eyes caused my mouth to water and snap me out of my little moment.

"S-sorry, what?" I said in the middle of her sentence.

"Were you like listening...at all...?" She asked, sighing and rolling her eyes.

"Uhh... Kind of? Not? I don't know...?" I asked back, grinning sheepishly as she giggled a bit and rolled her eyes.

"Ugh, I'm not repeating myself again. So I'll just freaking take some..." She said, reaching towards the ice-cream cake.

I grinned to myself and mentally fist pumped. I'm so good. Oh yeah.


We finished eating shortly after and paid for our food. As I drove away from the restaurant, I quick made a turn to a different road than the one to take Jocelynn home. If I was going to go full out tonight, might as well keep going.

"Where are we going?" She asked, looking over at me.

"Wherever the road takes us." I replied simply, winking.

She laughed lightly before she looked back out the window and watched the scenery. She always looks out the window at the scenery sometimes I wonder if she does that to avoid me. I wonder if she really still doesn't like me at all. I hope not...

Soon enough I found out this road leads to some railway tracks, and ironically a country song started playing. The lyrics were funny since, well... It was basically about a night train and how he was taking her to the train tracks basically to just hold her close. I listened to the lyrics as Joce turned it up and grinned, lip syncing along.

I've been thinkin' bout you all day baby
waitin' on that sun to go down
whatcha say I pick you up after work
slide over, well slip out to the outskirts of town
got a blanket and a fifth of comfort
a little something to knock off the edge
it's supposed to get a little cool tonight
looks like I'm gonna have to hold you tight... yeah

Bout a mile off old mill road
in that spot nobody knows
park the truck and we take off running
hurry up, girl I hear it coming
got a moon and a billion stars
sound of steel and old box cars
the thought of you is driving me insane
come on baby lets go listen to the night train...

You get the point, I get the point, obviously Joce got the point and then some. Suddenly a train got the point too. I smirked to myself, could this get any better? Like honestly.

I looked over at the grinning Jocelynn as we hopped out of the car and ran off towards the train tracks. The clicking and clacking of the train on the tracks sent a rumbling sensation through the ground. We got a few feet away and sat on the cold grass with the brisk wind passing through our hair. Joce's gorgeous hair was flowing away from her as she watched and waited. I grinned to myself when she started shivering a bit.

The whistle got louder as the train got closer. I held Joce to my side and wrapped my arms firmly around her as we watched the headlights of the train get closer and closer. Soon the creaking an clacking of the train rumbled past, the boxes trailing behind. It felt as though it never ended; it felt as though it went on for ever and ever. I held Joce as close to me as possible as I gently kissed her head and continued to watch.

The train was nearing the end – I think... – and the stars twinkled in the moonlight. The brisk wind kept blowing past us as I held Joce close and warmed her up.

I think I did a good job. Maybe I deserve a pat on the back! Yeah, I'll d–okay, I'll wait till I'm home to do that...

"Alex?" Her soft voice filled the air around me. I smiled lightly at her warm breath tickling my neck as she rested her head on my shoulder.

"Yes, baby girl?" I asked back softly.

"Thank you. This was one of the best dates I've ever been on." She told me, sounding completely honest.

"No, thank you." I whispered, basically inaudible. All too soon the train ended. We just sat there together, not sure what to do now. Even if we're doing nothing together, just having her here with me sends a chilling feeling up my spine. She's hanging out with me, not just because I'm the most popular guy in school, or because of my six pack... Not even because I made her, but because she wants to.

I wish I could believe she likes me for who I am, but let's face the facts...

I'm a player. A bad guy.

No one could ever trust me. No one could ever love me... I'm a player. I'm too focused on the game.


SO SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT! I honestly hope this is way longer than I think it's going to be...I tried my hardest to make it as long as possibly possible...but let's face it, I'm not a guy so this was QUITE hard. I hope it was enjoyable and you were amused by it  I try all the time to amuse you all. I hope it worked, and I hope it wasn't as bad as I think it actually is. So, anywho, the next update should hopefully be way sooner and maybe longer? I'm not sure.

OHHH!! How do you like the trailer? :D It's on the side. ;)

I will hint you in on a little something, something might happen. I'm not sure if it'll be this chapter or in the next, but something might happen. ^_^ WELL, WITH THAT BEING SAID...

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