It Kill's Me

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Nick let out an exasperated sigh as he leaned back into his big leather chair and stared at his computer. He had left home the following day after Madeline had called telling him that the account he was working on was in danger of falling apart. He wasn't happy about leaving and was really close to just letting the account fall through, but Gaby told him to "handle his business" which seemed to be her line for the past few days. The only thing that put him at ease was knowing that James and Isabelle were at the house with Gaby and the twins. Finally, his computer started ringing and the minute he accepted the call and Gaby came into view his spirit was lifted even if it was only for a few minutes.

"Hi, baby."

"Hi, you look tired," Gaby said frowning at him.

"I'm not going to lie; I am tired. You don't want to know how long I spent trying to put this deal back together yesterday. My team had to come up with a new design."

"In one day?"

"Yeah," Nick said rubbing his eyes.

"Did it work? Did you get the contract?"

"Yeah, we did I just wish it was the way I had originally planned it."

"Look at it this way; you got the contract when you could have lost it all together."

"I know, but I would have been happier if-"

"-Nick the LaRue group is here," Madeline said when she stuck her head through the crack in the door.

"I'll be there in a minute," Nick said, Madeline nodded before leaving, and Nick turned his attention back to Gaby who was making a stabbing motion at the screen.

"Be nice," Nick said as he stood up and straightened his clothes.

"I can't be nice."


"Because you're nice enough for the both of us. What that heffa need is a good slap." Gaby said as she rolled her eyes.

"Relax Gabs. I'll call you after the meeting."

"Mmmhmm," Gaby said before ending the call.

"I love you too," Nick said shaking his head as he locked his computer before heading out to the meeting.


"Um, Gaby?"

"Yeah, Rhonda?"

"Why does your son have grey eyes?" Rhonda asked as she handed Yaharah her Sippy cup and Gaby laughed.

"I have no clue; I think Nick's great-grandfather had grey eyes," Gaby said as she rocked the stroller back and forth with her foot. Gaby was glad that Rhonda decided to meet up with her at the park where Gaby took her afternoon walk, she needed to talk to someone who could relate to her besides her mother. Yaharah climbed down from Rhonda's lap and walked over to Gaby.

"Bee up." She said holding up her arms for Gaby to pick her up.

"You can tell me no and that you don't want to go to sleep, but you can't say, Gaby. How is that so little bit?" Gaby asked as she picked Yaharah up and hugged her.

"Bee I go potty." She said as he little chubby hands rubbed Gaby's face.

"You have to go potty?"

"No, she just likes to tell people she has to go. I have no clue what that's about."

"Is she potty trained?"

"Barely, I won't be switching her from Barbie pull-ups to Barbie panties just yet."

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