What You Miss on Tour

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Ashton: His laugh. The way his nose would scrunch up and his eyes would crinkle. You would get home from a bad day and hearing his melodious laugh would instantly make you feel better. Whenever he was on tour, you would always call him, simply to hear his laugh, so you could feel a bit better.

Calum: His voice. The way it sounded saying your name, the way it would sing you to sleep or the way it sounded when he wanted you to cuddle him. But you especially missed his morning voice. It was deep and the words were often mumbled, due to his sleepiness. It would mumble sweet nothings in your ear, and you loved it.

Luke: His cuddles. The way his strong arms would hold you close to him, whilst his large hands would rub comforting circles on your back. He’d press soft kisses to your head as the two of you shared secrets and dreams until one of you would fall asleep, the other soon following.

Michael: His kisses. The way his soft lips felt against your own. The way his hands would rest on your hips, holding you as close to him as possible. When he wasn’t there, you found yourself craving his kisses like another would crave air. 

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