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We ran for about 10 minutes.  When we came to the Amazon River, Carlisle started running through it.  When it got deeper he disappeared underwater and started swimming.  The others did the same, but I was confident that I could jump over it.  The river back home was only a quarter of the size of this, but I could jump at least 4 times that river.

I didn’t hesitate as I neared the edge.  I took one last stride then threw myself over the Amazon.  I jumped a little too far.  I wasn’t worried though.  If I crashed into a tree, the tree would be the only one getting hurt. 

I love jumping and running.  I could see every detail, even though I was travelling at a very high speed.

There was a tree in front of me.  I put my arms out in front of me and grabbed a thick, sturdy looking branch.  I swung a few times then let go.  I was at least 50ft away from the ground, so I did a few somersaults to show off.  I landed softly on my feet.  I looked around me and it was deserted.

“Bella” Edward was shouting me.

“Over here” I shouted back.

He broke through the last of the trees and found me.  Renesmee had stayed back with Jacob and the others.  I wished I had jumped further.  It was so fun.  Edward looked very surprised.  He looked like he had the first time I had jumped over the river back home.  He had jumped first, and I jumped double his distance.

“What’s up?” I asked him.

“You went way too far.  How do you keep doing that?  You’re past your newborn year, so you shouldn’t still be like that.” He informed me.

“Oh. Cool.  If it’s any help I can still run and jump the same as I did when I was first introduced to this world.” I stated “And I’m still stronger than Emmett.” I added gloatingly.

“Hmm.....I wonder why that is.  It could be to do with the morphine.” He guessed. “Or Renesmee.”

“How could it be Renesmee?” I asked.

“Well, since you carried her and gave birth to her minutes before the process of becoming a vampire started.  Or since she bit you?  I don’t know.  It was just an idea.  You could still be like this in 20 years” he huffed.

I was excited about the news Edward had just given me.  Still newborn strength in 20 years.  As strong as I am now.  Stronger than everyone else, even Emmett.  I would be the freaky strong, super self-controlled vampire.  I smiled to myself.

Edward stopped my thoughts.  “Oh well.  The others will be waiting for us.”

“Isn’t it this way?” I pointed in the direction I thought we would be going.  I hadn’t seen another path I don’t think.  I must have missed it.  Edward confirmed my thought.

“No. It’s back here.  You passed the path when you jumped. How did you miss it, may I ask?” he answered.  He was teasing me.

“I mustn’t have been paying attention.  I had my eyes closed for a few seconds” I muttered.

I hadn’t realised how far I had jumped until we started running back.  I had jumped almost double the distance of the river.  I was surprised at myself.

I saw the path as soon as I saw the others.  It was completely obvious so I must have had my eyes closed at that point.  Or I was too interested in looking at the view to look down.

We walked up the new path together. It was about the speed of a human walk.  It felt nice just walking slowly after running for a while.  It felt like all the weight had been lifted off my shoulders.  It was calm.

Edward took my hand as we walked together behind the rest of our family.  Jacob was walking along at my other side holding Renesmee’s hand.

I took his hand and we both grinned.  It was like when we were both human.  We had more than any school playground romance, but we weren’t together.  We could have been, if I had repaired enough to be good enough for him.  But I was so depressed at the time.  Then Jacob turned into a werewolf and a few weeks after I went cliff-diving and nearly drowned.  Edward had gone to the Volturi and this time I had saved him.  Then he came back and things got awkward between them.  Then Renesmee came along, and everything was fine.

A year and a half ago, if I was holding both of their hands, they would not be happy.  Jacob had been in love with me, and I realised that I had also been in love with him.  But I had chosen Edward because I loved him much more.  Now – though – that Jacob had imprinted on Renesmee, he loved me the right way; as a best friend.  And I loved him as a best friend.  I was glad that I could have Jacob and Edward in my life without hurting any of them.

After a few minutes of walking we reached a big wooden gate.  There was another next to it.  The big one was obviously for cars and the other was for people to walk through.  Next to the gate was a small sign stating that this house was called THE OLD APPLE.  This was the house.

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