Chapter 11: Gryffindor

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Annabeth's POV

I knew Thalia was thinking that I was thinking about the architecture by the smile on her face but she could never have been more wrong. Yeah, of course I had been amazed by it. I mean who wouldn't? It was definitely old and I would love to just grab my hands on the book about the history on this school and learn .. Never mind. What I wanted to say was, I wanted to learn more about this place but somehow, my mind keeps wandering back to Percy.

Before we had left, I had made Molly promise me that she would message me immediately if Percy wakes up. Of course, I hadn't expect a letter arriving only hours after I had told her but still, I couldn't help hoping. Molly was a kind-hearted and understanding person, I'm sure that she would inform me when she had promised but I was impatient and I really wanted Percy next to me.

"Annabeth, are you with us?" Thalia's voice said next to me. I gave a start and noticed that I had come to a complete stop; students in black robes surrounding me and making their way to a huge hall.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I just spaced out." I smiled at her and started walking next to her again. We were jostled by many people but it was worth it when we enter the room.

I gave a gasp; candles were floating in the air, lighting up the room and bathing it in a warm, orange glow. The ceiling was way high up and it showed stars twinkling against a beautiful night sky. It seemed that it reflected the weather outside as I had just seen that scene moments ago before I entered Hogwarts.

"It's beautiful," Thalia murmured in a hushed voice.

I nodded, at a loss for words. Four long tables filled the hall and another long one faced it, filled with teachers who were observing the students or just chatting among themselves. Students were taking their places at tables; Harry, Ron and Hermione headed for the one right at the far left. Glancing at each other, we shrugged and followed them. Before we could however, a stern-looking woman in robes and a pointed hat stopped us.

"You must be the new students that will be joining us for the year. Very well, I am Professor McGonagall. Please get in line with the first-years and we will sort you into your houses where you will be remaining for the rest of the year. They will be like your family and doing any good deeds will earn you house points. Please bear in mind that we will not tolerate any bullying, thieving and any others that will harm the students here." Professor McGonagall told us crisply and pointed us to a small bunch of students that were fidgeting nervously.

"Uhh .. okay," Nico said uncertainly, looking over at us before we made our way over to the first-years who looked absolutely terrified that we towered over them.

At this time, everybody in the hall had settled down and were looking expectantly at a patched and rugged-looking hat on a stool. I did the same and could only stare at it when it started to sing.

In times of old when I was new

And Hogwarts barely started

The Founders of our noble school

Thought never to be parted:

United by a common goal,

They had the selfsame yearning

To make the world's best magic school

And pass along their learning.

"Together we will build and teach!"

The Four good friends decided

And never did they dream that they

Might someday be divided,

For were there such friends anywhere

As Slytherin and Gryffindor?

Two Different Worlds, Two Heroes : Percy Jackson and Harry Potter [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now