{A Relative of Yours Dies}

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Writing this preference made me cry. WarningPlease don't read if you are sensitive or you've gone through something like this. don't wanna hurt any feelings..


Ashton: Your Grandma: You and your Grandma always had some close connection, since you and your Mom weren't that close. Sitting in the waiting room; teats threatening to spill; your hand gripped tight onto Ashton's. A Doctor came out with a clipboard with papers. "I'm so sorry Ms. Y/L/N." Those 5 words killed you inside. You dropped to the floor and bawled your eyes out. "I can t-take you somewhere private." the Doctor said. Ashton nodded; lifting you up and taking you to a private room. You curled up to Ashton; letting everything go. He massaged your scalp while whispering sweet things into your ear. "Shh, it's okay, baby. It's okay.."

Calum: Your Uncle: Your Uncle treated you like a little Princess, since your Dad wasn't really there for you; away on business. You couldn't even cry, you were in such shock. You were actually mad more than sad. You did that a lot. Turned your sadness to anger. Every time you walked past Calum, he would smile or say something, you ignored him and walked away. One day he said hey and you ignored him. He grabbed your wrist and turned you around. "Y/N, why are you ignoring me ?" he asked. All you could do was hug him. He was shocked before hugging back. "Woah babe, what's the matter ?" he asked. You finally started talking; explaining everything to him. He stood the there in shock; him being the only person to ever know about your past.

Luke: Your Mother: Your Mom recently passed due to breast cancer and so Luke never got to meet her. You did become really sad; uncontrollably crying till one day, you took him to the cemetery where she was buried. You locked hands and walked over to her grave. Tears already filled your eyes as you set the bouquet of flowers on the grave. You both sat down, Luke securely wrapping his arm around your waist. "H-hi Mom. You definitely missed a lot. This is my boyfriend; Luke." you smile; hot tears streaming down your face. "Hi Ms. Y/L/N, your daughter is incredible and I love her so much. I will always protect her with my whole heart. I bet you were as fun loving as Y/N." he said.

Michael: Your Brother: You were depressed. You wouldn't eat, wouldn't drink, you'd only get up to use the bathroom for hygiene. You stayed curled up in a ball; wrapped up in your blankets. You heard a small knock on your door, then it creaking open. You look up and see Michael holding a plate of food and a glass of water. Your stomach rumbled; making you groan. He set the plate down on your nightstand and handed you the glass of water. You put it aside and pulled Michael in for a hug. "Thank you for dealing with me." you mumble "Anything for you." he whispered back to you.

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