His Electric Feel

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Being an Elemental, and trying to blend into the human world was not easy, but I had managed to do it. Ever since I was seventeen, I had wanted nothing to do with my past. My life revolved around partying as hard and as much as I could, but like I said, this was not easy for an Elemental, especially one as powerful as me. I was a Grande, which made me a descendent of the original fire elementer, Venom Grande. Her blood runs through everyone in my family, but it is just a little bit stronger in some, and unfortunately, I was one of those some. Actually I was the only one of those some. The entire Grande family was made up of fire Elementals, so naturally all the males were sent to train to fight in the army against the Shards along with other types of Elementals. The Shards were an organization of humans that were determined to wipe out all Elementals. A handful of these soldiers, maybe five to seven at a time, would go onto join the Black Orchid Mission. Currently, I knew all of them, including my brother Tyson, or at least I used too. But a lot of things had changed since then, except for one thing, the reason I had left. That would always remain.

"Torah, what are you doing? Get over here!" snapped my human friend Hannah, pulling me out of my reverie. "Our new friends just bought us some drinks," she said while winking at two loud, frat-like guys. They weren't the best looking, but they would do just fine for what I had in mind. Let's just say I had given up on love a long time ago.

I walked over, downed my drink, grabbed the guy closest to me, and took him to the dance floor. The guy looked shocked for about a minute, but he got it together pretty quick and started dancing, if you call groping me up and down dancing. I just numbed out and let him go. It was just something I was accustomed to after living like this for about seven years now.

"You wanna take this somewhere private?" I heard him breathe in my ear after a few minutes. It took me maybe ten seconds to reply.

"Yeah sure, let me just go grab my stuff." He went off and stood by the door, while I ran back to the table Hannah was at. She was chatting it up with a guy, so I just gave her a nod to let her know what was happening. I got my purse and checked my phone out of habit; it's not like anything dire had happened in the last hour. I have a tendency of being very, very wrong sometimes.

I had thirty missed calls and sixteen texts from a number I had rarely seen in the past seven years. It was Tyson. I immediately felt my temperature rise and my eyes flash from their regular grey to an unnatural fiery red. I had almost forgotten what my powers felt like. This was obviously something that was important that needed to be addressed now.

Ditching the guy waiting for me, I took the back exit out of the door. I sent a little prayer to anybody that was listening and stared at the one thing that would connect me to my past. I pressed send and waited.

"Hello?" My initial reaction to Tyson's voice had made me want to break down into tears. I did regret a few things in my decision of severing my past off, and barely any contact with Tyson was maybe the biggest one, even if he could be a huge jerk off.

"Tyson?" I almost whispered I was so emotional.

"Jesus Torah!" he screamed in the phone, definitely not what I was expecting as a reaction. "Do you know how scared I was? I thought they may have gotten you too." Why the hell did it take you so long to answer your phone?" I could almost feel his anger.

"I was at a-" Then I thought back to what he said. "What do you mean by 'I thought they got you too'?"

I heard a deep sigh, but no reply. "Tyson?" I urged.

He finally spoke. "Torah, something really bad has happened and I'm not sure how to tell you or how you'll react because of these past few years..." he trailed off, "...but you need to know regardless of all of that." Tyson stopped, talking as if waiting for me to tell him to keep going.

"It can't be that bad Tyson, just tell me."


"TYSON, TELL ME!" I didn't mean to sound so angry but that's how I react when I get scared. I could also feel my eyes flashing and I knew I needed to calm down or pretty soon something would start to singe. I was about to apologize when he spoke.

"Dad died Torah."

I felt like my lungs had collapsed, and that there was no air left in the atmosphere. My father was dead. I had not talked to him in seven years and now I would never get a chance too. They way I saw it, I had only one option left, I had to go home.

"Tyson, are you still there?"

"Yeah, listen, don't feel like-, " I immediately cut him off. "I'm coming home. I'll see you, tomorrow. I..I love you Tyson." I hung up right after. I could feel the tears filling up my eyes and I didn't want to make Tyson feel uncomfortable, but I'm sure he did after that last little comment. He needed to know it, though. I don't think I fully realized what I was saying when I said it, but I sure did know. I was going back to the place I had tried to forget. My powers were so close to being unleashed. I was going back to the people that I had tried to forget.

The last thing I remember before letting the flames consume me were his piercing blue eyes and being scared and just a little bit exhilarated.

THANKS FOR READING!!!!! This is only the first chapter so it will get better and a lot of stuff will be answered later on. But for now I would really appreciate any improvements that i could make (i know there are alot =P)

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