Feeling Sex Deprived....

Start from the beginning

 Of course none of us had a good hold on the bed, so naturally gravity took it’s toll and we feel backwards off the edge of the bed, crashing to the fall, I landed on my back, the boys landing on top of me, did I mention they both landed on me… to very heavey, buff lads, landed on my with such a force. 

I let out a high pitched, ear piecing scream. I could no longer breath, actually scratch that it’s fucken hurt to breath! Fuck I broke my rib again…. Louis and Harry scurried off me, as I lay with my head pressed against the floor, trying to take short breaths, my mind flicked threw the advice I had been given last time. Keep calm and take short slow breathes. I heard a stampede of footsteps, seconds later the rest of the door was burst open as a very wide awake, Liam, Niall and Zayn came in. Their faces looked worried, probably wondering what the scream was. I’ll admit it had even hurt my ears when I did it…

“What the hell did you do to her” Liam yelled trying to stay calm… I don’t think it was working. “We tackled her, falling off the bed. We must have broken her rib because of the impact” Louis said in panicked voice. “You what!” Zayn yelled, throwing his hands up in the air. Wait since when was he mr concerned… that Liam’s job I laughed a little, but then winced. 

You can’t laugh remember Claudia They all looked at me with weird faces. Well I’m clearly the only one who see’s the funny side to this “Did she just laugh” Niall questioned with his very cute concerned Irish accent. “I thinks she did” Harry spoke for the first time. “Is she delusional?” Louis spat out, he clearly didn’t think it was funny. “Yes, I did now hand me my phone” I croaked out, it was more of a whisper, mainly cause I couldn't breath! Louis nodded running back to the other guest room and returning seconds later with my phone. I quickly looked threw the contacts finding the one I needed. Doctor Cirillo .

{Claudia- C, Doctor Cirillo - N, TB- THE BOYS}

“Nate?” C

My voice came out croaky and low, I waited for a reply, but instead I heard a chuckle.

“Claudia…(pause) What did you do this time” N

I couldn't help but laugh, he knew me to well, and of course I winced in pain for the two seconds I did. The rib I had broken was the same one as last time, so it was pressing on the exact same spot on my lungs, so after last time, the tissue hadn’t healed completely meaning it hurt ten times more when it rubbed against it. 

“You didn’t did you?” N

His voice was unfazed but still worried, I looked up at the boys who were watching me intently. 

“Ermm” C

I didn’t really wanna finish that sentence. 

“Jesus, Claudia how did it happen?” N

I gave the boys a stern look, before putting the phone on loud speaker and placning it on my tummy, since I was still on the floor. 

“Wanna explain what happened lads?” C

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