A story no one knows. Typhoon Haiyan.

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I looked out the window of the small house that my family and I shared. The radio was turned just low enough so my mother and father and I could hear it. I could feel my heart beat accelerate when mentions of flooding started out of the fuzziness in the radio.

My mother glanced at me and smiled her best, she held my little brother, Joey, who was wrapped in a dark green blanket. My papi amplified the radio's noise, so all five of us could hear it easily.

"Turn it down, it won't happen," Lance assumed, he was reading his book about airplanes. I just sat there, watching the rain drizzle lazily on the concrete. Then I observed people sprinting and running across the pavement.

"Momma....papi..." I murmured, turning my head slightly. I was still holding back the curtain, I noticed them glaring out the window, the radio buzzed to life once again, more staticky and fuzzy then before.

"Attention! Any one in their homes, leave now. A Typhoon is on its way into the Eastern Philippines. Attention! ~" Papi turned it down and exchanged a silent conversation between each other. My mother appeared desperate, my father appeared not to care.

"Rebecca, get your shoes on," Lance already had his shoes on and was pulling on his jacket as he grabbed another jacket for me. I was reaching for my tennis shoes.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2013 ⏰

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