I'm Falling In Love With My Pet HELP!!!

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Personally I am not a huge fan of werewolves but then I landed on this book and PHuufff!! Suddenly I love werewolves! :P

A great book, certainly not the usual werewolf story. 

I wouldn't mind such a pet . . . in fact I would love it too!!  <3 *_*

Must read!!!

Introduction--"You would think being fired, and constantly being sexually harassed would be the some of the bad things in life. But who would have guessed that finding an abandoned injured dog in a box would have done a 180 on my life!!!"

Lauren finds an injured dog abandoned in a cardboard box, deciding to take home the dog home and treating the animal. Harmless enough right? Little does she know this isn't just any normal dog. In fact it's a wolf! And not just that this wolf is actually a werewolf who happens to be a ruthless well known criminal in her small town!!!

Will she regrets saving him? Or will she let herself fall for him?

(Currently being edited for misspells and mistakes, but please don't let that stop you from reading)


Status-- Completed.

Categories—Werewolf / Adventure.

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