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This time, the entry to this scene is outlined in white. It sears itself into my vision. And then what happens is that it doesn't go away. I blink and realise that I am surrounded by a golden-orange haze. That's when I realise I'm in a fire circle.

If there is one thing I hate, it's fire. It's just the way it moves and dances as if it is really alive. It completely freaks me out. Every so often, flickering flames try to make me flinch. I try to remain strong but there is only so much I can take.

I scream for help. I hear my mum screech back at me. I wish I could help her but the fire is hemming me in. There is no way out. Unless...

I eye the umbrella lying at the TV set. Strange. It's like this is my room. Only it isn't. I reach out and grab hold of it. The fire is angry as it flares up and making me want to flee.

I can't. I really can't. God save me.

I lunge with umbrella in hand. My stomach hurts. I want to look down, but the door has opened. I have to get Mum. She should be in her bed-


Dad lies next to her, crying, as he slits her slim white throat. Then he pushes the corpse in front of him before jumping into the all-consuming flames. I want to shrivel up and die. I want to do so many things.

But I can't. I've got to get out of this alive. I have to. For my parents.

I run back into my sort-of room. Everything's gone, engulfed in the vibrant, vicious fire . There is no way out. I can't escape. This is when I know there is only one thing for it. The bathroom. It has a window - I should be able to fit through it. Just.

I turn to the right and stand on the scorched black tiles. The mirror has fogged up and the bathtub has cracked into two halves. The tiles are heating up too quickly - I will have no chance to escape.

Then something pulls me towards the window. I press my sweaty palms on top of the push lever. It opens. Freedom!

 Before my brain knows what it is doing, I somehow squeeze myself out of the house. As I fall, I feel soothing heat on my back. Then it begins to agonise me. I move my hands to swat the flames, but -SPLAT.

The flames still remain on my back. I lie in a distorted version of the garden outside my house. All that I recognize is the smouldering wreck of a place that is my home.

I look down at my naked body. The nightshirt that I had been wearing is now in rags. There are burns all over my body. What is weird is that nothing touched my stomach, yet a scar is there. I remember what had happened before. I do the only thing I can do in this situation.


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