Chapter 5

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I tried to eat slowly and savor the taste of Capital food but it was just so hard. I needed to eat as much as I could. It was just all so good. We watched the reapings. First, President Snow talked about the history of Panem and the Dark Days.

Then they showed the District One tributes; they called the girl's name, Glimmer. Honestly, it's ridiculous what One names their kids theses days. Glimmer has long beautiful hair and her face looks like it had been perfectly shaped. I didn't catch the boy's name but he had short, brown hair, was tall, but didn't look very strong. They both walked onto the stage silently with their heads bowed down.

Next was the Two tributes. They had volunteered for two younger kids but I doubt they volunteered for them. They were both happy to be on that stage, like they were honored to be tributes. The boy was monstrous, he had shot, spiky, blond hair and was bigger than Gale. The girl had long black hair and grinned evilly like she was going to kill someone right on the spot. After shaking hands, they highfived each other.

The districts continued to show the reaped tributes and a couple caught my eye. District Four's boy had smokey gray eyes. Kind of like mine and Gale's since we're from the Seam, we have the Seam look, gray eyes, black hair and olive skin. Gale and I look similar, some people even think were cousins. The Four boy also had brown hair that was a little longer than Gale's jet black hair. He looked my age and was defiantly taller than me. I hear him mutter something to himself that sounded like, "It's about time," before he stepped into the stage.

The next District boy that caught my attention was from Six. He had sky blue eyes and short, dark blond hair, just like Prim. He again looked my age and was taller than me. He slowly made his way to the stage with his head bowed down.

I also saw a girl from Five who had a face of a fox. She had sleek red hair and looked sneaky the way she walked to the stage. Eleven had a little girl with long black hair that was put into two braids. She was twelve and she reminded me of Prim, only she didn't have anyone to volunteer for her.

Finally, they ended with Twelve. Prim's name was called and I volunteered. I saw Gale take her off my back and haul her away. Then Peeta's name was called and Gale volunteered. I saw the way I looked at him on stage. Anger spread across my face and I looked at him once when we shook hand before I turned away, avoiding to look at him. Why did he have to do that? I started to wonder what would happen if Peeta came with me. Then I remember what Peeta said to me in the Justice Building. He said he had a crush on me forever. If he came with me would we had taken that farther? Would that be a strategy we would use in the games? Or would it destroy our chances of winning?

"Would you look at that. My hair is perfect there! Great angle I used for the cameras!" Effie ranted.

That's it. I couldn't stand her. I got out of my seat and marched out of the room. Gale called after me so I started to run. And I didn't stop. Not until I hit the end of the train. I looked up from holding my face with tears streaming down it and dropped to the floor and sulked.

I tried to pull myself together many times but whenever I got up, I always ended back down on the floor. This went on for at least an hour. When I finally had nothing else left in me to cry about, I sat up and wiped my tears away. I hugged my knees while trying to warm myself up.

Then the door opened and Haymitch came in carrying a blanket. He lay it across my body and then sat across from me.

"Done with your tantrums, sweetheart?" he asked, smirking.

I wanted to smack it right off his face but this was Haymitch. He always acted this way and I think he was trying to help. I should be nice to him if I want advice and help from him for the games.

"You know, everyone's been looking for you. Especially your cousin," he explained to me.

"He's not my cousin!" I spat.

"Really? You look like it. I mean, co'mon, black hair, gray eyes and olive skin?"

"We were both born in the Seam, big deal. Were not related," I whined.

"Not everyone from the Seam looks like that. You two could be twins. But if you say so," he replied.

He's right. Prim and my mother were born in the Seam and they look nothing like me. They had pale skin, blue eyes, and blond hair. I looked more like my father.

I shrugged and gripped the blanket around myself tighter.

"Arn't you suppose to help us? You know, prepare us for the Games?" I asked

He shrugged.

Gale popped his head through the door and sigh with relief.

"There you are Catnip," he said to me.

"I've been here the whole time, if you were looking for me," I explained.

He nodded then sat next to me on the floor.

" Okay Haymitch. Tell us. What's your best advice for the Games?" I asked

Haymitch looked really serious, leaned into us and said, "Stay alive," then started to laugh hysterically.

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