Hearing The Beats

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Hearing The Beats

6th September 2032

Lexi's POV (Pic of Lexi on the side ----->)

Oh God! Not again! I clasped my hand over my mouth and darted as fast as I could to the toilet, and emptied whatever was left in my gut. I groaned loudly, damn it! I hate this! This morning sickness is really pissing me off, and I've only had it for a few days now, what's it going to be like in a few more weeks? I shudder to think, it's really disgusting, and my throat is burning as I'm only now throwing up bile.

"Lex honey, are you alright?" Dad asked just as I was standing up, I turned to see him leaning against the door frame with a concerned look on his face. I reached down to grab a little toilet paper to wipe my mouth, then chucking it in the loo before flushing it.

"I've been better, it will pass for a few hours, then come back." Yuck! it burns more when I talk, I walked out and headed back to my room, Dad walking closely behind me. I sat down on the edge of my bed, to put my shoes on, I have a big day ahead of me, and visiting the toilet every few minutes is wasting precious time.

"What time is your doctor's appointment?" he asked as he sat down beside me, his arms resting on his knees, his face turned to mine. Sums will be picking me up in about half an hour, first on the to do list is heading into school to pick up any work that's needed to be done. I already told Dad, I won't be going back for the rest of this term, so after the school holidays, I can focus on my exams and start fresh, he was fine with that.

"It's at ten, and then I'll be staying there until Brax kicks me out again." I chuckled lightly, last night he made me come home for a decent shower and rest, since I haven't left his side since he woke up. 

"Alright sweetie, just don't forget to eat, I don't need you as a patient and not as a visitor." he sat up and pulled me into a hug, I love my Dad, his hugs are simply the best.

"Yes Dad, I promise, Brax won't let me forget, he's wrapped me up in cotton wool already." I chuckled and soaked the feeling of being wrapped in Dad's comforting hold a little longer. 

"I'll ring you later, and can you make sure Kale leaves for the bus on time today, love you." he said now letting me go, and walking toward the door, blowing me a kiss on the way out. I looked over to my wall of photos and sighed, my gorgeous boy was smiling back at me through most of them, I hate not waking up beside him, it doesn't feel right. I know once the baby comes, it's going to be harder to go from house to house, like we do, I don't even know how that is going to work.

After a deep breath I stood up and walked over to my calander and flipped back to July, that was a busy month, that's for sure. Both our birthdays, my last period, somewhere making our baby, which I think was during our "dirty weekend" as Brax calls it. I did a little reading of the book Sums gave me, it says making the baby happens two weeks after your period. Brax of course was super happy that it was over before his birthday, the only thing he wanted was birthday sex, damn horny boy!

I packed my purse, mobile, keys and my iPad into my bag after making sure I looked alright in the mirror, then went to go check on Kale. I found his door open, his horrible taste in head banging music was blaring through his room, his clothes scattered everywhere. I walked in to find him digging through his draws, until he noticed I was standing there, he's not even dressed yet, not like it's hard to choose something to wear when our school has a uniform.

"You better be dressed in ten minutes, your bus will be here soon." I shouted through the deafening noise, the sounds of the voice screaming through the speakers made my skin crawl.

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