How's your mum Draco

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Hermione and I had arrived five minutes before class started. I followed her to the front of the class where she took a seat and I sat beside her. I kept my eyes on the door watching every time it opened, Ron and Harry were nowhere to be seen.
I turned to Hermione.
"They are going to be late" Hermione nodded in agreement.
The last student filed in and sat down when the bell rang. 20 minutes had passed by and the teacher was nowhere to be seen. The class turned their heads towards the door as they heard echoing footsteps nearing closer. I saw Hermione -from the corner of my eye- glare at Ron and Harry who had just entered into the classroom. Ron looked around before he let out an exhausted breath.
"Thank Merlin Proffesor McGonagall is not here or we would probably be in trouble"
The cat that had been sitting on the professors desk jumped forward and shifted into professor McGonagall.
"That was bloody brilliant Professor!" Ron exclaimed.
Harry cut in to try and save their hides. "Sorry Professor we kind of got lost"
She walked forward and stared down at them both, tapping her foot in an unsettling manner.
"Well maybe you could fashion Mr. Potter here into a pocket watch so atleast one of you would be on time." she sighed. "Take your seats now"
McGonagall moved away to gaze over the room at the rest of the students.
"Transfiguration is some of the most complex and dangerous magic you'll ever learn at Hogwarts. Anyone messing around in my class will leave and not come back. You have been warned." As she spoke her last sentence I saw her direct her stare in Harry and Ron's direction.
"It seems Harry and Ron have managed to get themselves into trouble in the first five minutes of class." Hermione whispered. I couldn't help but snicker at her comment.

"Please take out your wands" McGonagall spoke firmly.

Yes, now I would finally get to do something. I was excited, I wondered how good I would be at Transfiguration.

"I will be bringing around a rat that you will be transforming into a water goblet." With a wave of her wand she sent rats soaring through the room to each student. "When I tell you to begin you will tap your rat 3 times before muttering the incantation. Follow me. One-Two-Three.... Fera Verto" The rat before Professor McGonagall shifted instantaneously into a water goblet.

"Woah!" I heard most of the class say.

Blocking out the ruckus of the class I rose my wand and focused on the goal, a rat to a water goblet. I tapped it three times, counting in my mind. "Fera Verto" the rat before me transformed into a clear water goblet.

"20 points to Gryffindor" Professor McGonagall said as she looked at me with a proud look on her face. "Good job Miss Granger, Miss Gryffindor" She turned towards the rest of the class who seemed to struggle with transforming their rats. "Come on everyone focus, enunciate. Say it with me, Fair-uh-VAIR-toh" She watched Ron and Harry. Ron's still had a tail on his which Harry thought was funny while his own was like mine and Hermione's. "Good job Potter" McGonagall said as she passed him by to go check on the others.

"That was so easy" I bragged

"I know right. So much fun." Hermione replied excitedly.

"I can't wait to learn more magic! I honestly can't believe I thought I didn't want to come here. I love it here!!!!" I shrilled.

Professor McGonagall walked towards the front of the class.

"Okay, okay settle down everyone. Everyone settle down." She ordered.

The class fell silent so fast it was it was like magic. I wanted to laugh at that thought. Then again I laughed at alot of things.

"Class dismissed, don't forget your homework."

I hurried with Hermione down to the field where our next class would be held. Apparently we would be learning to fly brooms. Every first year was here, from all 4 houses. Unfortunately I got stuck beside Draco. He was cracking rude remarks about the poor Neville boy and I wanted to hit him upside his head.

"Hey Draco?"

He looked at me with a look on his face that sugguested he had got a whiff of something smelly.

"What do you want mudblood"

"Excuse me you halfwit.... what the hell did you just call me?"

Ron walked forward to myside.

"He called you a mudblood, its what they call anyone who is short of being pureblood."

"I know what he called me" I lied cooly. "I was just making sure I heard him right."

Hermione and Harry joined us at our side glaring at Draco, though it was Hermione who spoke.

"The descendants of Godric Gryffindor are all pureblood moron" Hermione snapped back.

"Nobody asked for your opinion your filfthy little mudblood."

Was this boy for real? I mean he had no ounce of respect for anyone. One more reply from him and things would be getting ugly.

"Hey Draco how is your mum doing?" I asked him.

"Why is it any of your business?" he spat back.

"I was just wondering how she and your father were doing I mean after all he was with my mother the other day." I joked back

Yeah I know mum I am horrible for having brought you in this and I shamed fathers name for saying such things about you being with another man which was completely untrue but I didn't know what to do.

I chanced a glance at Draco who looked 5 shades paler, if that was even possible. His eyes were wide with shock and everything.

"What's wrong Draco, your family not all right? Poor little blondie" I smirked.

 A surge of pleasure swam through me. I blinked several times to try and pull myself through. What the bloody hell was wrong with me. I wasn't like this, I wasn't like him. Snap out of it Genesis, I repeated to myself over and over. I looked over to Hermione and our two friends who were just as stunned as he was.

"It was a joke you guys" I whispered to them as we headed over to our spots. "It was the only way I thought he would shove it."

"Well that worked well" Harry laughed.

"Don't encourage her fire on fire behavoir Harry. Sure it probably felt good to get revenge but lets not sink down to his level."

"He called you a bloody mud blood Hermione."

"It's just a word." she replied back. "Words can't hurt me"

"Unless there is a wand in the speakers hand." I added.

She stopped in her tracks and looked at me before she looked over her shoulder at Draco who's face was unchanged.

"Okay I guess it was okay just this one time, but no more word games." she snapped at me.

"Not like I was going to anyways, next time my fist is going in his face." I replied back.

"Not if I get him first." Ron challenged.

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