Chapter 7

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I have dedicated this chapter my fan sassysmartgurl93 who made the amazing banner on the side over there-------------> It's simply amazing and I can't thank you enough sassysmartgurl93.


Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye.


Chapter 7

We were now at the hospital because Holt didn't have the supplies needed to fix Clay's nose. Since he apparently needed to clear the drainage from both of his nostrils which was something that Holt couldn't do at the mansion. So here I was, waiting for him in the hospital since he didn't want anyone else to come. He was too embarrassed, but I guess when it comes to me... he's already on the bumpy road to a vasectomy and didn't care if I accompanied him.

But Holt had to end up coming with us too, so far he's in the hospital room with Clay now, making sure the docter knows what he's doing.

I was flipping through a magazine, looking at all of the gossip I didn't even know was occurring in the life of a celebrity. Who would've known that some were getting knocked up while others were getting knocked down. And some were hooking up while others were heading towards the doors and packing their bags.

It was outrageous what I was reading. I was so engrossed in the petty gossip of another's life that I didn't realize someone was standing above me. "Arden!" a gruff voice snapped at me.

I looked up from where I was sitting and jumped nearly ten feet in the air when I saw Clay's nose. "What the hell is that? Did a marshmallow invade your nostrils?" I questioned as I poked the tip of his nose.

He jumped away from me, looking as if I had just poked him in the side with a knife. "Oh you blubbering baby." I said rolling my eyes and putting the magazine back on the table. "I can't believe JLO and Marc Anthony broke up, I thought they'd be together forever. It's so spontaneous." I said shaking my head.

Clay snorted, "Please have you been reading the tabloids, they were eventually going to go down the drain."

"How could you tell?" I eyed him suspiciously and leaned towards him so I could hear better.

"Body language, they were loosing interest in each other, it's all in the eyes and the stance," he replied his voice the epitome of serious and then gestured to the space between us. "See the way your standing, far away but leaning in with your head tilted as if to hear better? It means you interested in what I have to say, but your not interested in me."

"Oh." I replied as a blush made it's way onto my cheeks. I straightened up and he only shook his head and rolled his eyes at my behavior.

Holt came out of the double doors a little later with Dr. Paisley. When we had first met the doctor I tried not laugh when he told me his name and shook my hand while Clay groaned about his near-death experience. But I kept thinking about wallpaper and paisley printed fabric whenever he came around. 

Don't lie and tell me you wouldn't either.

I looked Clay up and down noticing that he was still wearing his black Calvin Klein swim trunks and an under armor muscle shirt that he pulled on as an after thought. His hair was still spiked flawlessly as if he wasn't punched in the face just a couple of hours ago, not to mention the sunglasses that were perched on his nose as if he must save his precious irises from the florescent lights. Puh-lease. His abdominals were prominent through his tight shirt and I smiled at the little guys. 

How are you all doing? I've been fine thank you.

Wait, am I seriously talking to his muscles? God, I'm nuts.

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