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~Well, here it is loves ! The last chapter :'( Kind of sad, isn't it? But, remember, there MIGHT be a sequel. And while writing this, I sorta had writer's block, so I apologize if it sucks. Anyways, please leave your comments on this and vote pleaseeeeeee ! It would be awesome<3 I love love LOVEEEEEE you all!~


-24th December, 2011-

*Justin’s P.O.V*

Okay. This is it. The night I ask Taylor to marry me. I feel really nervous now. What if she says no? Shut-up Bieber don’t jinx it. Now look at me. I’m so nervous that I’m yelling at myself. Wow, this is probably the most nervous I’ve ever been in my life.

“Justin,” My grandpa opened the door, and I saw the smile on his face, giving me hope that everything will turn out the way I want it to, “Your mom and Grandma took Taylor out shopping. Do you want me to call up Chaz and Ryan to help you set everything up?” He asked and I nodded my head ‘yes’. Grandpa nodded his head as well, then closed the door to my room. I heard him walk back downstairs and I got up off of my bed, walking towards my closet. I changed from my blue jeans to a pair of black jeans. I changed my black shirt to a white button up shirt. I threw a black vest on over top, put on a black tie, threw on my black Supras and off I was to the park to set up everything.


Me, Chaz and Ryan were skateboarding down the street, putting up purple arrows on the street lamps and clues for Taylor on the spots they were supposed to be.

“Dude, you okay? You look like you’re gonna pass out!” Chaz asked, while we put up the last couple of arrows.

Ryan chuckled and I glared at him. “I’m really nervous. Man, what if she says no?”

“Dude, Taylor is in love with you. Why would she say no?” Ryan asked, hopping on his skateboard.

“Yeah, she freaking loves you bro. She’d say yes in a heartbeat.” Chaz said, and we both hopped on our skateboards.

“Well, you guys are normally right. I’ll see you guys tomorrow aight? I gotta head back to the park.”

“Aight. See ya JB.” We did our best friends handshake and headed off in our separate directions. I feel like passing out. This is going to be the biggest night of my life.

*Taylor’s P.O.V*

“Thanks Diane and Pattie. I had a great time shopping!” I said, helping them with the bags and gave them both a hug.

“It was our pleasure!” Pattie smiled and they both gave me a hug back. “But now you need to get ready for your date with Justin. Go put on your dress and then we’ll be up to help with your hair and make-up.” I laughed and nodded my head, walking upstairs to my room.

I closed and locked the door behind me, taking giant steps towards the closet. Honestly, when I opened my closet, I expected my pink dress to be there…but instead I found this gorgeous purple dress hanging in there. And a note from Justin.

Hey shawty.

You’re smile is gorgeous. How did I know that you were smiling? Well, I knew you’d smile when you saw the purple dress just waiting for you when you opened your closet, because I know that purple is your favourite colour-it always has and always will be OUR colour (:


Once you’re ready and looking amazing, Mom will have your first clue…


What I love about winter (My Christmas with Justin Bieber)Where stories live. Discover now