To Be A Hunter........10

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Jane’s phone buzzed. She could see it in the corner were the beast was hiding. It lit up and sung. It illuminated a little light, showing the beast’s face. It was hairy and burned. There was no feature that stood out to identify the beast.

Back to the drawing board, Jane thought glumly.

If she just knew what she was up against, that would give her a little peace of mind.

“Yes?” The monster growled into the phone.

The room was so quiet Jane could hear the response into the phone.

“Whoever you are, I’m going to kill you. Wherever you are, I’m going to find you. You leave Jane alone! If I find out that you touched one hair on that pretty little head, I’ll make sure that your death is as slow and gruesome as can be. You hear me?”

Bobby? Bobby was on the phone screaming?

Jane felt a little surprise. Honestly, she thought the guys would just leave her hanging. They had only known her for three (or maybe it was four now) days and most of that time Jane was insulting them. Especially Sam’s sideburns; those puppies had been severely bullied by Jane.

“Come find her. If you can, that is,” The beast shouted.

“Bobby, I’m in one of the storage units up the road—“ Jane took her one chance.

“SHUT UP!” The beast roared.

Jane felt the back of his hairy hand smack her against the face. Suddenly Jane was on the floor, still tied to her chair. Ouch. That’s going to leave an ugly bruise on her face. Jane winced.

The line went dead. Either the beast or Bobby hung up.

Wait. Now she was sideways! Yes! Jane’s feet were tied to the front 2 legs of the chair. She eased the ropes of the legs of the chair. Then she regained her footing and was able to stand up. This gave her a better fighting chance, even if her hands were tied behind her back.

Jane could hear the sound of a raging engine hurling down the road. She recognized the sound of Dean’s Chevy Impala. She had heard it when he and Sam drove to Russell Fredrickson’s apartment.

Now the beast was aware that Jane was on her feet. “I don’t want to hurt you. It’s not necessary.”

Jane edged towards the sides of the room, looking for the weapons he had confiscated.

“I just want to know what’s going on here. Why were you killing those ex-hunters?”

“They attacked my pack!”

Pack? Like a wolf pack. Or a werewolf pack. Werewolves shift at night and have no memory of it….this was odd.

“You’re different,” Jane thought aloud.

“Yes, I was born from two werewolf parents, instead of bitten.”

So he was a different kind of werewolf then. So if the ex-hunters killed off some of his pack, then this whole thing was just an act of revenge. That would explain why the deaths were so odd. This beast didn’t want to kill him for food. He wanted them to suffer. He wanted them to feel horrible pain for what they did to his pack.

“But what was with the jars and jars of demon blood in their apartments? That’s the one part I can’t seem to figure out,” Jane asked.

Jane cried out in pain for a moment and looked down at her feet. She had stepped on her knife, now if only she could use it to cut the ropes on her hands instead of her feet. The blade had been lying on the floor where the beast left it.

Jane swore and sat down on her butt so she could take the pressure off her bleeding feet. Damn! She could feel hot blood trickling down her toes. Gross.

“See!” The beast shouted, getting more and more nervous as the sounds of Dean’s Impala got closer. “I told you that you would get hurt!”

“You are the one who took my shoes off!” Jane argued.



That was Sam and Dean! They must have gotten out of the car and were searching on foot now.

“SAM!’ Jane shrieked, but the beast suddenly lurched forward before she could do more. Her head hit the cement ground with a sharp pain. She felt the moss of furry hands clamped over her mouth and nose. The beast’s hand smelled like dog and garbage. Jane gaged, but she had to breathe somehow.

Suddenly the garage door flung open. Blinding sunlight flooded the storage compartment. That was followed by the sounds of multiple guns being cocked.

Jane glanced up at Sam, Dean, and Bobby, all armed with shotguns. All of those guns were pointed to Jane. With a panic, she squirmed in the Beast’s grasp, but she then realized that he was using her as a human shield.

“Whoa!” Dean said, wide-eyed. “Bobby, what kind of monster is that?”

“Where’s all the blood coming from?” Sam worried aloud. Blood was pooling down by Jane’s feet. She could also feel some blood tangled with her blonde hair.

Jane could feel the beast’s heart pounding in its chest. It took Jane off guard. He was scared. He knew he was cornered by hunters.



Sorry I've been gone. Holidays kept me busy! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2012 ⏰

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