Chapter 7

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"I think I'm trapped," I said to Maya on the phone.

I was laying down on my bed after having taken a shower. My wet hair was dangling off the edge of the bed and I had my cell phone pressed up against my ear.

"What do you mean?" Maya asked.

"Well, I checked the windows. The window part opens, but the screen doesn't. Apparently it's some safety measure. But the point is, I can't sneak out. I'm trapped," I said. Maya laughed on the other end.

"You weren't going to sneak out regardless," she said.

"You don't know that," I mumbled. She laughed again.

"I need to buy some jeans for school. I think I've held off long enough. Want to go to the mall with me tomorrow?" she asked.

"Can I bring Peter?" I asked.

"Why?" she questioned.

"Well, I feel guilty leaving him here all alone under the witch's control," I replied. She chuckled.

"Sure. I'll tell Jake to come along, then. He needs to buy some things for his dorm anyway. He can watch after Peter," Maya said.

"Great," I replied.

"Ok, I have to go. Family movie night. But I'll see you tomorrow," Maya said.

"Adios, mi amor," I said.

"Adios, mi hija," she replied.

I ended the call and checked my texts.

I had one from my mother. Apparently, she had just gotten to her fancy hotel in California and she found a small box of gourmet chocolates on her pillow with a note that said, 'Have a nice stay!'. I rolled my eyes at the text. She got excited for the dumbest things.

I got out of my bed and clambered my way downstairs, my wet hair soaking the back of my black henley. I walked into the kitchen, where some delicious smells were wafting out.

"Hi, Pedro," I said to the cook.

"Hola, señorita. How you?" he asked in his Spanish accent.

"I'm all right. What are you cooking?" I asked.

"Low-carb pasta with my special sauce," he replied.

"It smells delicious," I told him.

"Gracias, hija, gracias," he said with a smile that revealed a single gold tooth. I smiled back at him and hopped up onto a stool.

"Victoria! Victoria!" I heard my aunt calling my name. I rolled my eyes and didn't answer. Instead, I pulled out my phone and pulled up Tetris.

"Your tia is calling for you," Pedro said.

"I'm hiding from her," I told him. He chuckled.

Just then, Joliet barged in, banging open the kitchen door.

"Why don't you answer when I call you?" she exclaimed.

"What's the emergency?" I asked, widening my eyes to feign innocence. She glared at me.

"Emergency or not, you respond when I call for you," she said, putting her hands on her slender waist. I shook my head.

"You're not my mother," I mumbled.

"Well, you're under my roof, which means you follow my rules!" she yelled. I felt my temples starting to throb. Her accent was really annoying, especially while she kept shouting.

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