I'm the Human in this Boarding School [Chap. 27]

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I looked over at Zephyr with a what-the-hell-do-we-do-now face. Right after they had shoved us into their car, they put us in hand cuffs. Not that those do any good against vampires, but they sure are a nuisance.

He returned my look with a shurg... Thanks for the help.

I slumped back in my seat, feeling slightly defeated.

This is so bad. Obviously they don't want me for world peace.

So, what do they want me for? I don't think it'll be for destroying the world. That'd be like a suicide-bomber type thing.

But, it's got to be for something they can't do by themselves, or with others. No matter how many of the special vampires unite with their powers, they will never be more powerful than me.

I looked out the window, desperately trying to figure out where we're going and what I'm gonna do about this. I really need to form a plan, and kinda fast, too. I've no idea when we'll arrive to our destination, but we'll need to be prepared to possibly make a quick escape.

I really just want to be back at the academy, or back home with my mother.

Even better, I just want to be human again. Everything was so easy, up until I moved to the academy.

Why'd I have to act so badly to everyone back home? If I didn't, I wouldn't be in this damn predicament in the first place.

I guess it's not impossible to escape, after all, I did learn something from all those books that Zephyr made me read.

I learned that if you're as powerful as me, you can do anything. I just haven't really experimented with my powers yet. I'll be doing a lot of power-using in the next few days. I wonder if I can make myself human again? That'd be great.

I smiled bitterly at the thought. Like that'll ever happen, I will be stuck a vampire for the rest of my life.

Which may not be too longer, depending on what these goons want.

Wait, why are they taking Zephyr too? He doesn't have the power to do whatever he wants. Sure, he's able to read minds, but I don't see why they'd want that. I can easily read peoples' minds, too.

They probably want him for simply the reason that he would go tell others what's happening and get help, obviously they don't want that.

Or, what if he really is working with them? What if I've believed a bunch of lies from him all this time?

I didn't really know.

For all I know, he's reading my mind right now and knows exactly what I'm thinking.

Oh well, who cares? It's not like I'll be able to do anything about it. I obviously wouldn't try to hurt Zephyr... I love him. Even if there is the possibility that he's still working with these guys, despite all the stuff he's told me.

Ugh, I'm so confused right now.

I hate my life.

Sighing quietly to myself in defeat, I got as comfortable as I could in the back seat of this tiny car, and fell asleep, not really caring about what could happen to me while I'm unconscious.


I woke up to a very bumpy car ride.

I looked out of the window and saw nothing but ocean. We were driving on an unpaved stone path that was leading to an island out in the middle of absolutely no where. I couldn't see any land behind us when I looked out the back of the car.

All I saw was more ocean. I also saw the path disappearing behind us after we've driven over it.

What the hell? How did I just say that so casually?

Probably because I just woke up. I'm always pretty easy-going when I first wake up. You'd think I'd be grouchy... nope. That's only about two hours after I wake up, when I start to get tired again.

The island was probably another mile or two away, and considering our pretty slow driving speed, I'll be bitchy again by the time we get there.

Why are we driving so slow, anyways?

I looked out the windshield and saw the path appearing in front of us little by little as we got closer to the island.

Well, I guess that's why.

I was so bored, sitting in this stuffy car with three other people is not fun.

At all.

I did a double take at the person who was driving as I was turning away from looking out the windshield to look out my window again at the ocean.

What the fuck?

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Hmmm. A cliff hanger xD

I'm sorry that it's been a month since I've updated, I feel so bad.

I'm also sorry that it was short. It was gonna be longer than it turned out to be, but when this idea popped into my head, I wanted to stop it where I did to leave you guys with a cliff hanger.

Until next time, which hopefully won't be a month again, vote, comment, and fan? :)

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