Chapter 2

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Still Scarlet's POV

I Kept walking so far I swear I might have passed the car....Oh nevermind I see it yay and there was my bag. It was a little burnt and stuff but who care's I can't to brag to Justin about how I got it all bye my self and im perfectly fine. I started to walk back when the flashlight died but lucky for me I can use my phone light, I finally got back to the cave mabobber and Justin wasn't there. He's probably pissin on a bush or something.

Justin's POV ( 10 Min Before Scarlet came back)

I woke up to the sound of footsteps I got out of the cave and saw glass on the floor weird it wasn't there when me and Scarlet came. WAIT WHERE IS SCARLET? Is she in D-A-N-G-E-R? Spoke to soon know im in D-A-N-G-E-R. These weird lookin Military team pushed me to the floor my reaction's get back up and fight but since they had weapons they were scarey im mean Um well Mean. Also they threw my in the back seat off the car there car.

Me: Where are you taking me?

Dude: Somewhere

Me: Somewhere is exactly WHERE?

Dude2: Look kid where going to make this easy your team-

I cut him off

Me: My dad's team

Dude2: Whatever Your Dad's Team ( He said Starcasticly) is our target and when he shot that plane-

I cut him off once again

Me: Scarlet's Dad

Oh man that shouldnt have came out

I Didnt want to tell them so I wasn't

Dude2: SPILL IT!

Me: Spill what? I have no drink

Dude2: Dont act dumb you know what im saying

Me: Okay I have no idea what your talking about

They got really angry and started to whisper to each other. Since they weren't looking I decide to make  a quick get away and try to jump out off the Car. I opened the door and jumped I made but they noticed so I ran to the nearst Trees.

Scarlet's POV 

I got tired off waiting for Justin so I decided to look for him. I just kept walking to the way I walked before to the car maybe he could be there thinking I was there. But I turned around once I heard a car engine my mind was telling my Justin was in trouble I might be soon if I dont hide. I was hiding behind a bush know and the car was going super Fast but then stopped I think they noticed me because the people in the car were heading towards me. When I remembered I had the picece of glass in my Bag I grabbed it quick.They were closer I stabbed one of them 1 more left that was the most scariest momment of my life.

Me: Stand Back I killed one of you people and i'll do it again

Dude: We Have Weapons too

Me: Really show me then

Dude: Look (He takes out gun)

I snatched it fast dropped the glass and aimed it at him.

Me: Know tell me where Justin is or I will use this!

I don't even know how to use a gun! I said in my head.

Dude: I don't know he was in the car but he escaped.

Me: Let me get the car then 

Dude: NO

I aimmed it at him again. 

Dude: FINE!


So to thoose of you who are reading how is it so far please im desparete for an answer review comment vote fan Ring my doorbell and tell me just to be a sycho and help me on my despriteness just tell me O_O I plead 

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