Rumor has it. A true story about being bullied.

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This story you are about to enter has changed the lives of many people and the way people look at me on this website. I am proud to say this story has saved four beautiful writers from taking their life. I never imagined it to take off, so I am very thankful of you, readers. Never forget you are loved. <3

*Names Changed except for mine*

© 2011 by LouisTomlinsonsgal All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of me.


"Hey Grace."

"O hi!" I pulled the ear phones of my ears and smiled.

"You ready for that big science test?" Cindy grinned from ear to ear.

"No, but I bet you made notecards to study. Didn't you?" Cindy turned red and pulled out notecards from her bookbag.

"No." She said lengthening the word. Cindy had dark blonde wavy hair that went down to the middle of her back. But to hide the length, Cindy would try and pull it up into a ponytail to cut off some inches.

"Boo!" I screamed and everyone turned to look at me and Samantha laughed at me. Samantha had popped out at me, she was my best friend, I had known her forever. Sam (Samantha) recently enrolled in my school. I hadn't seen her in years, when she first came. We had a growing friendship, until Lucy came in. She was a drama queen and thought she ruled the school.

She destroyed friendships, mostly mine. I was once her best friend until we got in a fight and things were never the same. I still see myself as a last resort sort of friend. I am in a little group and we call ourselves the "Outsiders'. Because we aren't popular and don't drink or smoke weed. But, I like my position, because I am friends with everyone but Lucy.

Lucy hated my guts and I tried to never let her bother me. I told my best friends, Cindy, Samantha, and Karen about my surgery on my nose. I was really nervous everyone was going to make fun of me. But, they promised to be by my side, through thick and thin. And they were...

Samantha's carmel, usually messy hair was straightened, and her uniform was pressed. The perfect and acceptable amount of makeup was applied on her face, carefully hiding her acne. Spitting image of a A+ student right? Sure, you could say that, but let's just say we never really listened in most of our classes. There are more important things then learning about the fall of Rome, or mathematical equations. 

My naturally straight tree-bark-color hair is pulled up sleekly into a ponytail and my uniform isn't...well let's just say not pressed. My freckles are shining bright this morning, curtesy of my new face wash, that has been leaving my skin dry. 

It was Wednesday and it was also the day of my surgery. I had already had my first mole removed in the summer. They numbed my nose and.... I was awake during everything but I couldn't feel anything. Since this has happened before, I was prepared but still nervous. First, the doctor injects a needle into the part in which she will be working on. The needle has numbing fluid in it, and hurts for a little while, sort of like a bad bee sting.

Rumor has it. A True Bullying StoryWhere stories live. Discover now