Chapter 5: Does Anger Management Count As Training?

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I woke up slowly. I'm sooooo not a morning person...My eyes shot open when I finally realized where I was. Actually, I don't really know where I am. In a room, in  'headquarters', somewhere mountain-y.... Cue sweat-drop.

Okay, I'll admit it. I'm probably not as concerned for my safety as I should be. I don't have a death wish, I just don't really care where I am. At least, as long as it isn't back in my province. I stretched and rolled off my bed onto the floor with a soft thump.

My landing was surprisingly soft. Then I realized what I landed on. Aaron. I'm pretty sure he groaned. Was I really that heavy? With spur-of-the-moment energy I tumble-rolled off of Aaron and sprang upright. "Sorry, Aaron." I said, laughing nervously, "I didn't see you there." Aaron rolled over and pulled at my blankets, then grumbled contently. I nearly face-palmed.

"Fool..." I groaned. With a sigh, I looked into my closet. The closet itself wasn't big, but it wasn't small either. Just right...I pulled out a pair of black 'skinny' jeans and a checkered tee. Casting a suspicious glance at Aaron, I ran into my bathroom and changed. I nearly gasped at my appearance.

My hair was a rat's nest, so I took care of that first. I took a shower, and after feeling much cleaner, combed it until it shined. Next was my face. I mean, there wasn't a problem with it... except that my eyes were ringed with black.

Is it from lack of sleep? Or is it from something else? Color was back in my cheeks, so I didn't look quite as pale and sick as before. I sighed, brushed my teeth, and walked out of the bathroom. Aaron was still sleeping on the ground. Oh my. He's a heavy sleeper, isn't he? Unable to resist, I bit my lip, crouched down beside him, and shrieked in his ear.

With a shout, he jumped upward and raised the blanket like a shield. O.O

He stuttered around a bit before finally realizing that the only possible threat in the room was me, and I was nearly six feet away from him. Aaron's eyes narrowed. "Why?" He asked with a sigh.

"Because." I replied. ^-^ Aaron sighed again.

Aaron ran his hand through his hair and looked at me. "I guess..." He looked at the roof, deep in thought. "Today we start training." Aaron said confidently. I raised an eyebrow, challenging how smart training would be right now. He took a hesitant step backwards, his eyes wide.

"What?!" I exclaimed.

"So.....intimidating." He murmured. I sighed and banged my head against the wall.

"Oh, my. Back to square one." I grunted.

"So... Let me tell you why training is important." With that, Aaron launched into another lecture.

When the Rebellion first started, the Sacrifices had no idea how to fight back. They had no ideas what their power was. That was when the Rebels first initiated a training program, one that would teach the Sacrifices how to fight, as well as activate their powers.

In doing this, the Sacrifices slowly began to built up strength. They were taught how to kill, how to wound, how to heal. They were taught many forms of fighting, and many forms of healing. The strength the Sacrifices developed helped them with their powers.

Their powers could take energy from them, depending on the force, size and form they wished it to take. For example, if one was to heal a minor scratch, if they had the power of healing, it would take no energy. If they were to heal a broken leg, restore sight, or heal a mental disease, it would take a great amount of energy.  Training built up their endurance, the quality of their power, the strength of it.

Using their training, the Sacrifices became notorious for their fighting skills and powers. They were a force to be reckoned with, and showed no mercy to those who were their targets.

"So today, I was going to start your training off easy, and see how long it took you to get angry." Aaron said.

"What is this? Anger management?" I asked indignantly.

"Um... not exactly. You see, sometimes powers surge when Sacrifices get angry." I sighed.

"Let's get going, hm? I want to see this... anger management training."


Ah! Please forgive me for making such a short chapter, but I'm short on time *peeks around corner* . I hope you enjoyed it. Please leave a comment. I'll dedicate the next chapter to the first who comments.

October ^-^''

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