Chapter 9 - What to do, what to do.

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I am writing another chapter..I guess....It may be a little short! :(

Alison's Pov

I was getting ready for my first real doctors appointment. It has been two week since I had been in the hospital. I was so glad to be out of that hospital to actually eat food...that was good! Not disgusting! Just looking at the hospital food made me want to throw up. I was happy that Jacob actually wanted to help me through this, I just didn't know how I was going to tell Matt, my older brother. Matt looks like me, just taller and older. He is 22 and I am 16 almost 17. Well, to make it more obvious, in 15 days. I called Matt two days ago and asked him if he could come to Florida anytime soon. He lived in California (of course), because his girlfriend didn't want to move here. He met her when he was going to college. He said that he would get on a plane as soon as he can, which would possibly be tomorrow. Here is a good thing, I will have a picture of my babies!

Now, at the moment, I was almost to my car when Jacob pulled into my drive way. I was wondering why he was here. If he didn't leave now, I won't be able to get out and that means that I won't make it to my appoinment!

       "What are you doing here? I have to go to the doctors, today is my first real appointment!" I quickly asked him while he was rolling down the window.

        "Exactly! I am taking you to the doctors, so get in! I am not letting you go through this yourself! I told you that already, I thought you knew that. I also thought you knew that I was coming, I just texted you." Sure enough,  I looked at my phone 'One New Message.' \

        "Oh, I had no clue. I guess I was in such a hurry that I didn't look at my phone. Well, I gotta get to the hospital in less that 10 minutes or I am going to be late, so lets go." I got into his car and he backed out of my driveway. I placed my hand in the middle of us on the armrest and he took my hand. He started making circles on my hand. I just looked up at him and smiled. I was glad that he was coming with. I was also glad that he wasn't going to leave me alone to deal with this.

Jacob's Pov

I was surprised when she said that she was in a hurry to leave the house. I was lucky that I got there in time. The only thing that I was hoping for is that she doesn't look in my glove compartment, then I would be screwed. Big time.

           "So Alison, I was thinking. Do you want to go out with me again? Out for lunch or dinner or something?" I looked at her quickly, her face didn't look to well. That made me real nervous.

           "Sure, I would love to. When exactly do you want to do that? Tonight?"

           "If you want to have it tonight. Then we will have it tonight."

            "Great! See heres the thing. My brother Matt is coming here tomorrow and I ahh....have to tell him that I'm pregnant. He's the only one that is most likely to help in anyway."

             "What about your parents? You're under the age of 18, so they are responsible in a way." I looked at her confused. She started to cry. Was it something I said? Oh no. I pulled up to the hospital and sat in the parking lot. "Alison, what's wrong?"

              "The first person I would tell would be my parents if they were still alive. They were murdererd when I was 5. I would always have nightmares so Matt would lay in my bed till I fall asleep. He would rub my back and it would always work. That's one reason why I love my brother. I just hope that this whole pregnancy won't make him angry. I hate seeing my brother angry. He starts to hit stuff."

                "Hun, you don't have anything to worry about. I am here for you now. I don't have any parents either. They went to Paris for a week when I was 3 and they fell over a bridge. I don't know if they jumped, or if someone hit them with a car, or was after them with a knife. They just went over a bridge some how." I looked at her now, she sort of calmed down. She still had tears in her eyes. I got out of the car, went to her side and opened the door for her. She held her hand out for me and I took it pull her up out of the seat. I shut the door and pulled her close to me. "You know that I will always be there for you no matter what happends, right?" She nodded her head. I was glad that I had her and not some slut. I swept her into my arms and kissed her. "I guess we better go in before you're late." I took her hand and we walked in to the big building.

Alison's Pov

I was glad that he was going to be there for me. I was just so worried that I broke into tears. I listened to everything that he said, it was so sweet. It just made me feel like I had to cry harder.

I was now in the waiting room waiting for my name to be called. Hopefully that would be soon, I was getting more and more excited to see my little ones.

                  "Ms. Stache?" I looked up at the nurse and stood up. I started to walk towards her with Jacob's hand in my hand. "How are you doing today?"

                  "I am doing very well, thank you." I followed her to a pink walled room.

                  "The doctor will be right with you."

                  "Okay, thanks." I was so excited. I sat down, still holding onto Jacob's hand. He looked more excited than I did. That made me feel wonderful inside. Then the door opened and I squeezed Jacob's hand.

                   "Hello Ms. Stache. I see your doing good. Oh! You're showing already! That's wonderful! I see you brought the wonderful boyfriend with you."

                   "I sure did! I am showing?! I didn't know that!" I was surprised...I was showing! I got up and let go of Jacob's hand. I layed down on the bed and lifted up my shirt. Jacob came over to me and took my hand again. I just had to laugh. Then she put the gel on my belly. It was so cold! I looked over at the screen and I heard the two heart beats. She told me that I was about 7 weeks.

                   "You're twins are very healthy. How many photo's would you like?"

                    "5 please."

                    "Okay, I will be right back with those. I will also set up your next appointment for week 14. If that is okay with you?"

                    "Yes, that is very nice of you." She walked out the door and I looked at Jacob. He look happier that ever! "Did you think of names yet?"

                    "Not really. When we get home or later on we should make a list. Should't we?"

                    "Yes, we should possibly start making up a nursery too."

                    "I think that's a good idea." Then the doctor came back in handed me the pictures and told me when my next appointment was. I would already be 17 so, I would almost be age. Me and Jacob decided to go home right away. We weren't going to go out till later on. It was only two in the afternoon! I just couldn't wait till tonight! I was SO excited!

That is the end of Chapter 9! I can't wait till the next chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~Nikkie Marie~

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