Sparks Flew Instantly... Not

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It's a work in progress:) hope you enjoy!

Let me know if you want see anything happen or anything! Enjoy!


            Why do we give four letter words so much power? Think about it these four letter words have the power to make us fight or be at peace. Why is it that these four letter words control us? L- O- V- E, love, it’s the four letter word that gave girls fairy tales and it’s the word guys use to get in girls pants. Weird right, how this one four letter word can do both? Everyone thinks about love and it’s everywhere TV, the Internet, movies, pictures, and sometimes right in front of you. Love can also be confused a lot with another four letter word.

            L-U-S-T, lust, it’s the hormonal build up in your body that craves for another’s. It has nothing to do with love all it has to do with your hormone and attractions to that person. Crazy right, how people always mistake love for what is really just lust?

            Love is often confused greatly with another four letter word. H-A-T-E, hate, it’s the word that carries a lot of punch and when it is said it can hurt the person. Hate is when you really dislike something, which you want to just strangle. Hate can mean a lot of different things, from f off to go die in a hole to I love you. Yes, here we are again right back to love. Sad right, how people can love someone but the only way they can hide it is behind the hate.

            Sorry to rant but, love is a big ball of another four letter word, S-H-I-T, that’s right everyone love is a big ball of shit. You want to know something weird? Too bad you’re going hear it anyways. I don’t believe in love! I believe in fate, which also happens to be a four letter word. But like I was saying love to me is not real and no one has a soul mate. Here’s the weird part, I am a hopeless romantic! I can’t read or watch anything that doesn’t contain some romance.

            So what’s my deal? I don’t know! I hope I have proved a point by all my ranting. Speaking of ranting I have been so caught up with it I forgot to tell you who I am. I’m Caroline Conrad and I live in a mansion in L.A., California with my workaholic mother who is very important in Hollywood. She also raises me to always be good which I am. I never have done anything bad, ever.

            Ok, enough about me for now! To our story now.

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