Chapter 8:The Meet

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Later on that evening, I woke up to a text that said-

'Hey Raven! You wanna hang with Aura, Katt and me?'-Rachel

I checked the time on my phone to see it was 5:45pm. I only slept for almost two hours. Rubbing my eyes groggily, I replied with-

'Sure, give me twenty minutes. Where?'-Raven

Just a few seconds later, I received a text that said-

'Okay, cool! And at the cafeteria for dinner. It's free and they are serving pizza!'-Rachel

Despite my laziness, I replied with an 'okay' before getting up to fix my hair and make-up.

As I walked into the bathroom, I looked into the mirror and quickly washed my face. After the light make-up from this morning was off, I reapplied mascara and chapstick before changing into pants instead of my shorts.

Just as I was exiting the restroom, I felt a presence. Turning around, I saw nothing and shrugged it off as paranoia.

Ten minutes later, I made it to the cafeteria to see Drake, Drew, and Rachel.

"Hey, I thought you said it was just you, Aura, and Katt?" I asked with fake anger.

Rachel feigned a scared expression as she replied, "I'm sorry, I didn't know you didn't want the guys here. Don't hurt me!"

I chuckled and shook my head. It was funny how quick I became attached to these people I call friends. Just as I was about to say a proper 'hello', Aura came in with Katt and Vincent.

Katt yelled, "What's up broski's?!"

Vincent rolled his eyes and retorted, "Oh your cool."

She just agreed as if it was meant literally. After all of us exchanged our greetings, we decided to get our dinner, pizza.

"Yumm, this pizza is delicious!" exclaimed Drake with his mouth open.

"Shut up and eat with your mouth closed, stupid." Drew shot back.

Drake shoved him a little while taking his pizza. "Now I'm a happy stupid person." he said while eating his pizza also.

Rachel snorted and retorted, "We all know your stupid but are you really happy?" I chuckled at her comment and high-fived her in pride.

"Whatever, I have some... news." Drake said, with a solemn expression.

"What is it?" Aura asked, cuddled up to Drew.

He seemed pretty nervous as he said, "Don't be mad, you promise?"

I looked at him in confusion as he directed at mostly Katt. At the warning, Katt looked at him in confusion and asked, "What are you talking about?"

He hesitated as he said, "Just promise you won't be mad."

"Why would I be mad?" she asked curiosity in her face.

While he bit his lip he muttered something we couldn't hear. "What did you say?" the rest of the group asked wondering what his problem was.

Again, he muttered the same thing just a little bit louder but still not understandable. Drew reached over and smacked his head while saying, "Speak up boy."

As Drake rubbed his head, he stuttered, "I invited Robert."

Everything fell silent and as I turned to look at Katt, I saw her face was blank and unemotional before she cracked. "You WHAT?!?" she exclaimed yelling in Drakes scared face.

"I-I... Lucy made me! Her friend is kind of with him... and they wanted to double date. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I know what happened but-" Drake was cut off when I asked, "What happened?"

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