Chapter Six

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~ Chapter Six ~

~ EVAN ~

I ended up carrying Kristi (Derek made me) on the way home We decided to walk, since we had no wheels.

We stopped at a curb. “Why did we stop?” Derek asked.

“Well, I have powers, and one of them is healing living things. I wanted to use this a last resort, because I haven’t practised much on this power. I’m going to attempt use it.”

I took the knife out of Kristi’s neck, and a ton of blood spilled out. “I need to see if she has a pulse,” I cleared up for Derek, as I was checking Kristi’s wrist for one. I gasped. “She does have one!”

I put my hands on some pressure points, and used my power. Her eyes fluttered open, then closed back up. “Come on, Kristi! Wake up, wake up! Yeah, you can do it,” Derek cheered. I rolled my eyes.

“Hey, Kristi? Our kind isn’t that bad, is it? You can live with being a vampire, can’t ya?” I felt soft tears in my eyes. I used the power again. And again. And another time. I tried several times before I gave up. I felt for a pulse. I couldn’t find one. “No.” I put my ear to her heart. No pumps, either. “It’s over, Derek. She’s gone.”

"Wait. So, Kristi's a vampire?" Derek said immediately.

"Half. Half-vampire, half-human."

“I’m sorry. About Kristi passing away. Come on, lets go drift her off to sea.”

“Alright.” We went to the nearest lake that goes off into sea. We both carried her--I had the head, and Derek had the feet--and gently placed her on the water. We watched her float away, before turning to go. I heard a scream in direction of Kristi.

“HELP!” That’s Kristi’s Voice! I practically lit up, knowing Kristi’s alive.

“That’s Kristi, Derek! Come on, lets rescue her.”

We swam as fast as possible towards Kristi’s voice. It turns out, it was her! We both attached an arm around Kristi, and swam back to the shore.

We were all on our knees, coughing our lungs out.

... ::: ...

Derek started  whistling, when we all calmed down. "Well this is getting boring. Oh yeah! Kristi? Uh, since you're a dhampir, and when I kidnapped you-- sorry 'bout that-- why didn't you use your dhampir power? I mean, to escape."

"Because I only just figured that out, recently." I retorted. It took a while for reality to smack me right in the face. My eyes bulged out of my skull when I figured out what Derek just said/asked.

"OH!! Wait a minute here! I have a what?!" No one told me I had a power! The boys burst out of laughter. "Why are guys laughing? I didn't know I had said something funny." I was half filled with confusion, and half anger. I glared at both of them.

"I-- knew that--Only rare dhampirs have--A power, so--I thought I would trick you--By asking you that. It--Worked!" Derek's dying from laughter. Good. He deserves it.

"O-okay. S-stop laughing now. Okay. Kristi." I turned towards him; he better have a good excuse for not telling me ahead of time. "I forgot to tell you: On rare occasions, dhampirs gain a special power during puberty. And you're way past that, so if a rare one, it should be at full blast now. Sorry for not telling you that when we figured it out." A pretty good excuse, I guess.

"Alright. I forgive you. No one can help forgetting." I walked over to give him a hug.

"Hey, since there's sorry's floating in the air, I say again: I'm really sorry for kidnapping you. And I didn't know if you forgave me yet, so I say this apology in hopes that you will..." I stopped listening to write something to Evan out of Derek's sight, so I won't interrupt his ramblings early.

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