Chapter Four

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~ Chapter Four ~

Soon we were listening intently as Evan's mom was telling us stories of how she got away with a lot of things by excuses. She also told us some.

"The reason why I'm telling you guys this stuff while Evan's in the room is because I tell if someone is lying, as Evan told you. So can my husband, so Evan has a full-blown lie-censor, which is very rare." She explained to us.

"Really? I didn't know Dad had a lie-censor. No wonder why I never got away with anything." Evan said. Must've sucked to be him.

"Yep. By the way, Evan, what's your friend's name again?"

"Derek, you mean?"

"Yeah, that's the one. Derek. I've been trying to search for you ever since you killed my daughter! And then you went ahead and killed my son! Earlier I heard you kidnapped Kristi. I'm not sure if I trust you in my house."

"Mom. It's fine. Besides, he knows that if he messed, there's going to be hell to pay, from both of us. He knows you can make fire, so he's not going to get you angry, right Derek?"

"Yeah exactly, he spoke for me, basically. Trust me, Mrs..." Derek chimed in.

"Call me Jessica." Cool. Evan's mom is so awesome!

"Trust me, Jessica, if my boss wasn't so bad, or if I didn't have a boss, then I wouldn't have done all those things. I'm not that bad a guy. If I didn't do what my boss says, I would be dead by now. You think I wanted to do all those things? If I wanted to die, everybody would be safe."

"He's telling the truth." said Jessica.

"No, he's lying on one part. He can never be killed. I tried killing him once, but he's still alive. Derek, what will really happen if you disobeyed your boss?"

Derek sighs,"I would be tortured."

"Why can't you just quit?" I added in.

"The boss has a tracking system, so I'd be found, and be tortured."

"Why don't you just kill them? Like be all invisible, and sneak up and kill them." I thought that was a pretty good idea, if I say so myself, which I did.

"Kristi, you're a genius! Why didn't I think of that before?"

"Hey, can you say that to my family? Maybe?"

"Evan? Can I look at the person who wrote the article? Now?" Derek was sounding a bit annoyed.

"Yep." Evan pulled out his laptop and went to history to open up an article. "There you go." Hm... By this time, Jessica was gone from the room.

"This article was written by your mom, Evan."

"What? How?"

"Well, maybe she did some research on him after he bit Marie and then wrote that article." Both looked at me like I was crazy. "It could be possible. I mean we could go ask." They were still gaping at me. "It's just a suggestion. OK, Evan and Derek, let's hear your guys' brilliant plan how to figure out how she wrote it."

"Yeah, let's go ask!" Both said at the same time and ran out. I soon followed.

"Mom, did you write this article?" Smart thing bringing the laptop with.

"Yes, why is there a problem?" She's starting to look worried.

"No, Derek just wanted to know who and why someone wrote this article."

"Oh. OK, I wrote this article because I wanted to look back on it as reference. Why did Derek want to know who and why?"

"I was just curious." Derek answered quickly and cool-like.

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