Blow Me A Kiss Goodbye (9)

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A/N: Merry New Year! Hope you have a lovely year and stuff! :3

Blow Me a Kiss Goodbye (9)

I curled up next to Frank, resting my head on his chin as he wrapped his arms around me. I held him closer; I didn't want him to leave. Frank's parents were coming too pick him up on Saturday, which was two day's from now. Frank said his parents were going to move house again when they came back, which meant he'd be further away; so I could hardly see him. 

"Gee?" Frank whispered. 

I looked up at him, "Yeah?" 

He looked down at me, turning onto his side so he could face me. "I love you." He smiled, kissing my nose before closing his eyes. 

"I love you too." I whispered, feeling my heart sink knowing I wouldn't get too wake up every morning next too him. 

I shut my eyes, moving closer too him. 

"Gerard!" I heard someone shout my name as well something soft hitting my head.

My eyes open, noticing a pillow covering my head. I pushed it away, staring up at the wall. I heard footsteps walking up too me, then Frank leaning over and smiling.

"Good, you're wake. Now get up." He demanded, sounding a bit like my Mom. 

I sighed, pushing the blankets away from me and feeling the cold air hit me. I rubbed my eyes, and yawned loudly. 

"God you're slow at getting up, we have to leave for school in 20 minutes. So I suggest you hurry up." 

I dragged my body out of bed, grabbing my school clothes and quickly putting them on while I was still attempting to wake up fully. Frank seemed like he'd eaten a bag full of sugar, I'd never seen him so excited. 

"What's up with you?" I asked as we walked up the stairs. 

"Nothing, just really happy." Frank smiled, taking my hand. 

I shrugged, continuing to walk. Breakfast was silent at the table, apart from the occasional asking for someone to pass over the milk. Me, Mikey and Frank all got into the car and drove off too school.

"What's up with you?" Mikey asked Frank, raising one eye brow.

"Nothing, just happy." 

"What are you happy about?" Mikey asked.

Frank sighed, "Can't a person just be happy for once?"

Mikey rolled his eye's staring over outside the window. Soon we arrived at school and me and Frank left for our classes. I had Art first lessons, I usually spent most of my time in the back drawing; my teacher didn't mind really. I usually got A's or B's in Art, mainly because I liked it so much.  Today I spent the lessons drawing a portrait of Frank; I hoped he'd liked it. Time flew passed, before I knew it, it was lunch. I sat down beside Frank smiling. 

"Okay, I have something to show you!" Frank smiled excitedly, grabbing two pieces of paper from his pocket. "I know how much you love The Smashing Pumpkins, so I thought we could go see them! It's the perfect way to spend our last night together! It's on Friday." 

For some reason, and I don't know why, I felt like me and Frank were a married couple for a very second. I smiled, throwing my arms around him. I'd already seen The Smashing Pumpkins with my brother, Mikey; it was amazing; I'm sure it will be amazing with Frank too.

"Thank you, so much." I whispered in his ear. 

I pulled myself away, smiling. Frank handed me the ticket, I happily took it and placed it in my pocket. 

"Oh, I have something for you too." I smiled, reaching in my bag. "I drew it in Art for you." 

I handed him the drawing, he smiled. "Thank you so much Gee. It's perfect." 

I smiled, "Just something to remember me by."

"What do you mean?" He asked, raising one eye brow.

I shook my head looking down. "Nothing." 

The rest of the afternoon flew by; I held Frank's hand as we walked home. I was going to miss him, I really was. I held his hand a little tighter, squeezing it a little. 

"What's up?" Frank asked.

"Nothing. Why?" 

He laughed, "Well, you're squeezing my hand." 

"Oh, that." I pulled my hand to my side. "It's just, I don't want you too leave." I admitted. 

"I don't want to leave either Gee." He looked down.

"You do realise what this means, right?" 

Frank looked up, almost in fear. I didn't want this too happen; it hurt me that I was going to have to say it. 

"We can't be us anymore." 

Frank threw his arms around me, pushing his lips onto mine. I tightly wrapped my arms around him, holding him close. 

"I love you Gee." 

"I love you Frankie." 

Friday passed by fast, now we were getting ready to leave for the concert. It seemed the more I wanted time to go slow, the faster it went. I was wearing my Smashing Pumpkins shirt I brought from the time when me and Mikes' went to go seem them. Frank seemed just ask excited as me. I grabbed my jacket that was hanging on the back of one of the dinning room chairs, my Mom walked in the kitchen with her purse.

"Here's 20 dollars." She smiled, handing me the money.

I was surprised, "What's this for?" 

She shrugged, "Just in case." She smiled, giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Well, your Dad will be dropping you too off. I'll see you and Frank later." 

I nodded, hugging her before making my way to the front door were Frank stood talking too Mikey. I smiled, walking up too the two. 

"You ready?" Frank asked, turning to me.

I nodded, "My Dad should be down just now." 

Frank nodded.

"Well, have fun." Mikes' said, walking off upstairs. 

"You excited?" Frank asked taking my hand.

I giggled slightly, "Yes. Thank you so much."  

"I'm really going to miss you."

I looked down, squeezing his hand slightly. 

"I'll miss-." Just as I started talking my Dad interrupted us. 

"Okay, let’s go." He smiled.

I nodded, letting go of Frank's hand. I put on my jacket and walked out the door towards the car. The drive to the concert wasn't that long, eventually we got there just in time for the show. Me and Frank weren't quiet as close to the stage as we hoped but it was still amazing; I felt like such a fan boy as I sung along to every word. Sadly the concert came to an end, me and Frank waited for my Dad too come pick us up. It felt like everything had just flown by. We both climbed into the car, slowly. 

"So, Frank. Have you packed your bags?" Dad asked.

Frank looked up, nodding. "Yeah."

"You excited too be seeing your parents?" 

"Yeah, I guess." He smiled. "Thanks' for letting me stay here by the way."

"Ah, it's no problem. I'm glad you enjoyed it." 

My heart begun to sink, the more I thought about; tomorrow Frank will be leaving. He'll be gone. I know it seems silly but I really do love him. 

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