≑ Chapter Fourteen

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To LaxusGrey (Mhee Dimakiling) for the lovely comments and for sharing my sentiments as a student. Haha! Thanks so much! <3


 C H A P T E R    F O U R T E E N 



After checking that there are no movements or signs of any human around, I hastily searched for a tree nearest Callie's room. Not a second later, I spotted an old, hulking oak tree on the side, its thick branches pointing and leading to the balcony, as if it was intentionally positioned there. Trying to contain my enthusiasm, I crouched and jumped high to reach for the sturdiest branch I just caught sight of. The tree shook a little from my force, its leaves swaying violently before falling on the ground. But I didn't waste any second more.

With my left hand grasping the branch tightly, I swayed my body slightly in the air and after waiting for the right time, I lurched myself forward towards another branch. As soon as I steadied myself, I bent again before jumping into the balcony, my feet as light as feathers. 

I stood up straight and examined the veranda. Together with the crescent moon, a murky wall lamp above its edge lightened a pair of stool and a circular table at the center. They were moistened by the humid air and few leaves were atop its surface, making it clear that Callie wasn't spending time on this place.

Turning to the sliding door, I stepped towards it silently. The crisp wind seemed to whisper something inaudible on my ears as I peeked through the hazy glass. The lights were turned off but with the moon light passing through from the slightly parted curtains, I could make out scattered clothes on the mahogany floor.

My heart was throbbing wildly as my hands held the metal handle of the sliding panel. It appeared that the lock was from the inside but perhaps I could still open it with brute force. All I am hoping for was it not to break completely with my uncontrolled strength. It would be troublesome if I made too much noise and woke up Callie.

Carefully, I pressed my fingers against the handle, applying a firm but not too hard force. Breathing deeply to calm my nerves, I counted to three before pulling it from its latch, sliding it across the threshold. 

I cussed when the panel made a loud sound as it rolled fast on its hinges, almost hitting the opposite frame and creating a large gap. 

The door is already unlocked. But why? Was Callie used on not locking it up? Or did she just forget tonight? 

The curtains lifted up as the wind entered the room swiftly along with the soft clanging of a wind chime hanging in front of the glass door. Panicking, I got a hold of the tubes of the chime, refraining them from hitting each other and producing unnecessary noise. 

The moment I took a step inside, a strong scent suddenly hit me. What the---? I couldn't help the low rumble that came out of my mouth. In an instant, my wolf woke up from its slumber and growled at the threat. 

My sharpened eyes immediately combed the dark room for the owner of the scent but apart from the litter of clothes at the floor, there was no other person there other than Callie.

I tried to calm down but I couldn't. What the hell is Caldwell doing in here?

His scent was too strong, it was impossible not to think that he was just here awhile ago. Why was he here?  Did he also visit Callie? Was he the one who left the door open?

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