Oracles Legend

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Yay another chapter

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Sitting in the Jackson’s kitchen felt so normal yet weird.  I froze when I heard the door open.  In walked the guy that I thought I would have at my side as my mate Levi….. and next to him was a very happy and content looking Tia.

“Claudette?” Levi’s deep voice asked.

I turned around and faced the happy couple.  I couldn’t help but feel a wave of jealousy sweep through me when I saw their mated marks on there necks.  Levi looked as amazing as ever… if not more so because he had the most content look on his face which was now tainted with confusion. 

Tia looked naturally beautiful.  I couldn’t help but wonder if I would look like that the morning after my own mating.  I waved a small wave and smiled softly. 

“Morning” I said honestly.

Tia blushed as Levi wrapped his arms around her lovingly.

“Morning, whats happened is everything ok?” Levi asked suddenly after noticing Christian and Dante in the room with me.

“Actually No its not,  Claudette’s penthouse was attacked, we’re currently in the process of relocating her to a safer location”. Dante said as he walked up behind me and placed a hand protectively on the small of my back. 

Looking up I noticed both Christian and Levi narrow their eyes at this small action. 

“Is there anything we can do to help?” Tia asked with the same concerned expression that her mother had held last night.

Christian now stood up and stood on the other side of me.  “Thanks for the offer but we have it all under control” he said looking at me as he spoke his brown eyes softening as he looked at me.

Rolling my eyes I jumped out  of my chair and gave Levi a big hug.  “I’m really glad you found your mate”  I turned and hugged  Tia “Congratulations” I said as she smiled at me.

“And NO I wouldn’t think of separating the 2 of you” I said looking at Tia.  She gave me a little look of shock as she nodded.  “How did you?” she started.

“know?” I finished her sentence

“If I were you I would be thinking the same thing” I said.    We all knew that I had the royal gift to take a mate and create bonded mates if I wished.  But no matter how much I may have wanted Levi as a mate in the past I loved him as a friend and wanted only his happiness.  Seeing how much he adored Tia I couldn’t never take that away from him.

Dante’s phone rang and he excused himself again.  This time into Ian’s office which was sound proof.

I sat down as Levi and Tia joined me.  “So you guys are officially mated huh” I said taking a sip of juice.

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