Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I felt sick. Mayor Reed had promised us that the Zombies would not be able to come here. The four of us sprinted to the gym where my uncle and aunt, and a few other people were packing things against the door. Someone passed me a gun and I turned to see Dominic. His hand was covering his face so I could not see his reaction. I grabbed the gun from him, unlocked it, and waited.

We all waited.

In silence.

Then they came.

However, there weren't just a few...oh no. The whole town and many more burst through those doors. I recognized the first one that crashed through the door.

It was the mayor.

And right behind him was Eric, who still had a pencil jammed into the middle of his forehead.

Even as they slowly moved in, I noticed that I knew every single one of them. Glancing at the gun in the my hands, I realized couldn't shoot them. I just couldn't. I barely realized how close they'd gotten until Dominic yelled my name.

"Ella, react!" he ordered.

The world around me abruptly came alive again, and I heard the moaning and groaning coming from the Zombies. Gunshots were going off everywhere around me. I finally got my brain working and shot everything in sight. I didn't care. They weren't people anymore. They were Zombies. The living dead.

The only good thing about this was that they were slow, but even then, there were too many. We kept shooting, but it was as if we weren't shooting them at all.

"There's too many!" Uncle Bobby yelled, as if reading my mind.

"RUN!" Debby commanded.

The teens ran first as two grown-ups I didn't know continued to attack. We left through the back doors and ran down the hallway, when we heard a scream. Debby stopped in her tracks.

"Helen!" she called, turning back down the hallway we'd just come from.

Uncle Bobby grabbed her arm. "Debby, it's too late. I'm not losing you too. Not yet."

Not yet? What did he mean 'Not yet'?

"Uncle Bobby, what are you talking about?" I demanded.

We hurried into the cafeteria. The moaning was growing louder. I guessed they were finished and were moving on. To us. Behind me, Jeremy and Dominic were closing the double doors, putting whatever objects they found against it. The tables and chairs began to pile up.

"There's no time!" Uncle Bobby said, speed-walking past me.

They all turned and began walking, but I dropped my gun and crossed my arms. Suddenly, everyone stopped.

"I'm not leaving until you tell me what you're planning, Uncle Bobby," I said firmly.

Alyssa and Jeremy both had shocked facial expressions, while Dominic looked annoyed as fuck. Uncle Bobby...well, he looked like he was going to exploded.

"Ella Masson, you listen to me, and listen to me good: we are moving now. No questions asked."

I shook my head.

Debby looked up at her husband.

"Tell her, Bobby," she said softly, tugging on his sleeve.

He looked at her for a long time before looking back to me.

"We're not leaving this school, Ella. You guys are."

I looked at him, bewildered. He wasn't serious, was he? He was the only family I had left. He couldn't just... He wouldn't...

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