Chapter 35

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Niall's POV

After we ate our entire picnic I packed for us, we took some cute couple selfies and put them on Facebook and Instagram, I normally spammed Charlie's iPhone with funny pictures of me. I did so many I made an album called 'Nialls my life', wonder how long it will take for her to notice.

We were lying next to each other under the stars, it was freezing cold, so cold I couldn't feel my feet or arms anymore. But I didn't care, just spending this moments with Charlie were so special.

We weren't even talking. Just laying there enjoying each others company in silence, but not bad silence or awkward silence. It was a good silence.

"Mum used to bring me here in the summer, and she'd sing to me. Telling me that il have an amazing future and that il fall in love with an amazing man."

"Dad used to bring me here too, with my brother to go fishing. It was the best place to fish. I miss it when things were easy. Life was so simple. I miss my mum Niall" she started to get tears in her eyes so i pulled her closer to keep her warm.

"It's okay Charlie, I'm here. Your never ever gonna loose me alright?"

"Yeah..." she sobbed into my coat.

Suddenly an explosion went off, I looked up at the sky to see loads of fireworks. We both stood up watching them, Charlie had calmed down now and was cuddling me.

The fireworks were beautiful. Today has been perfect.

"Niall, thank you for today" Charlie said to me leaning in for a kiss. Our bodies were so close together and our lips moved together, I gained entrance and slid my tongue in exploring her mouth.

We walked back to my car and she got in and we buckled up our seatbelts. I didn't feel like driving all the way home so we stopped at a hotel.

"Where do you get your money from?" Charlie asked.

"Secret" I winked.

We got escorted to our room and we plonked down on the bed. It was like 3 in the morning so we just stripped off and got into bed.

"I'm gonna take us on holiday one day" I whispered into Charlie's ear.

"Really? Where?" She said happily.

"Where do you wanna go?"

"I've always wanted to go to Paris, because of the amazing sights and it's the city of love"

"They have really good food there" I sighed thinking about the amazing French food.

"Is that all you care about?"

"I care about you too!" I kissed her goodnight and we fell dead under the covers.


Bit rushed and late sorry!

Hope you enjoyed

Love you guys

If I get to one million reads they'll be a surprise

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