Young Rebellion

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  • Dedicated to sam peplow



As if that one word my numb mouth managed to produce triggered some horrible trap, a hailstorm of bullets and artillery burst from the bushes to answer. It took a moment for my men to realize what was happening and to shake the confusion from their minds. They started to fall back, and it took a moment for my jumbled brain to comprehend the fact that I was hurtling over marred bodies and shooting anyone that wasn't wearing a red bandana on their head. It was then I realized what I had to do.

"Briggs, where are you?" Almost immediately, my short, stocky comrade rushed over to the large, fallen tree that I was taking cover behind and instinctively handed me the radio. I fiddled with it until I could get a clear channel with H.Q. (H.Q. stands for head quarters, which is the high command of the army)

"Hello, does anybody copy?" I shouted, a desperate hope rattling my bones.

"Roger that Alpha, what is your status?" answers H.Q.

"We've been ambushed by more citizens; it's almost as if they knew we were coming," I replied, relief most likely prevalent in my shaky voice.

"Yes, Delta and Echo companies have been ambushed as well." H.Q. responded flatly.

"There were only about 15 people in that board room when these plans were drawn up, how could D.C. get this information?" I demanded. The sudden realization struck me that we might have a traitor in our command.

"The room had to have been bugged because I would trust all of those men with my life," remarked Command.

"Well, whatever the reason, we need to get these men out of the hot zone. Any nearby F.O.B.'s?"(FOB stands for forward operation base) I questioned.

"Yes, just about four clicks from your current location," responded Command.

"What other teams were ambushed?"

"Delta, Echo, and Foxtrot."

Almost instantly, I dropped the phone and headed in Foxtrot's direction. There was only one thought going through my mind.

"Alexcia!" bursts out of my mouth before I could control myself. All of my men were running in the same direction as the F.O.B., but none of them could keep up with me. It was like I was winning a race against elementary students. This inhuman speed was a mixture of adrenaline and the strange drug that Command injected me with prior to this mission.

I arrived at the site where Foxtrot got ambushed. Grenade and artillery holes were scattered everywhere. I couldn't find a single sign indicating where she might be. But then I heard a horrible shriek coming from over a hill.

I ran to the top, where Alexcia was on the ground next to a citizen. I shot him in the head swiftly and ran over to the girl, who was lying there unconscious.

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