Hold Up... I'm A Vampire?

Start from the beginning

“BOO!” someone from the audience yelled. “Toast is awesome!”

“I know, right? He also doesn’t like annoying bitches. He hates bugs, well, bugging him. And he absolutely loathes doing the laundry. I guess he doesn’t really mind anything else. His favorite bands are Avenged Sevenfold, Hollywood Undead, and Papa Roach. You got anything else to add, Jake?” I asked him.

“Yeah, uh--” he started out with before I interrupted.

“Alright, that’s all the time I have for you, sorry.” I pushed him off the stage, behind the curtain.

“Hey!” he yelled at the last minute. There were a few snickers, giggles, and chuckles from the audience.

“Up next, we have...Marie! Come on out here!” I had a note card of all the people in my story.

“Yo! What’s up, bitches? Whoo!” Marie is a bit of a tomboy. More like a lot.

“Okay...This is Marie, my most BFF EVER!! She’s the same age as me. You’ll learn my age later on, as well as Marie’s. I don’t know her dislikes, so... I wouldn’t really know her likes either. She loves the same bands as Jake and I. I don’t know what else to say, and we need to get moving. Bye-bye!”

“But--” I pushed Marie off the stage.

“Uh... Evan and Derek aren't here yet, but they'll be here soon, I'm sure  Up next we have, Cornelia, come on out here!” cricket, cricket. “CORNELIA!” still no sign of her. “Excuse me, everyone.   Cornelia, get your candy ass out here!”

I walked behind the curtain, to see Cornelia making out with her boyfriend. I pulled her by her sleeve, onto the stage. “I called you, like, several times! Anyway, This is Cornelia, and she’s 20 years old. I’m getting lazy of trying to think of what they like and don’t like. Her most favorite band is Linkin Park. Bye now. Geoffery! Come on out here, boy!” Then he ran out here. Cornelia got out of here.

“God, you said that like I’m a dog,” he commented.

“Maybe you are.” I said back. “This is Geoffery, no that’s G-E-O-F-F-E-R-Y. He is 23 years old. His favorite band is Hollywood Undead. Any last words, before you leave?”


“Okay. Now, get out of here!” I pushed him off the stage, into the crowd. “We have...Uh...Which ever one gets out here first, up next.” I said loud enough so the people behind the curtain could hear me.

“Me! No, ME! No, I’m up next!” I heard some scuffling, pushing, and yelling. Out stumbled Morris and Matt.

“Okay, I guess I’ll introduce both of you at the same time.” I gestured my hands towards Morris. “This is Morris, and he is 21 years old. He and Matt are twins.” I switched my hands towards Matt. “This is Matt, and he, of course, is also 21 years old. How they have different hair color, I have no clue.”

“That’s not true. My hair is a darker brown than Matt’s. But I guess it does look like black,” Morris informed everyone.

“Oh, get out o’ here!” I shoved Morris. “Who we have next is Evan’s mom. Then it will be her husband.” When Evans mom walked out, I continued with talking. “Everybody, this is Jessica. She is 39 years old. I don’t really know any more info about her. See ya. Come on out here, Evan’s dad!”

“How you doing everyone?” He waved to the crowd.

“This is Clint, everyone. He’s like, what? 42 years old?” I guessed.


“This was Clint, everyone. Good-bye! Now, the one we’ve all been waiting for, Rudy!” No one came out. “Hold on, everybody. I gotta drag his sorry ass out here. Rudy, get your ass out here!” I went behind the curtain. “Rudy? Hey guys? Where’s Rudy?”

“How would we know?” they answered. I went back out to the stage.

“Rudy, where the hell are you?” I asked into the audience. A red-headed dude came walking up to the stage. It looks like... Rudy! “Rudy, get up here, already!” when he came up next to me, I held my hands out in front of him, introducing him. “Well, as you all know, this is Rudy, and he is 22 years old. He likes a lot of rock bands, which includes our favorite bands. I have no clue what else to say about him, so bye, Rudy!”

“Bye. You’re cute!” he yelled that last part from behind the curtain. I just stood there, my minding feeling numb. I’m having a hard time figuring out if he said that or not. I found myself staring in his direction.

“O--Okay. Uh, you all know my name, so I don’t have to say it. I am age 18. I don’t like when the computer is really slow, people who bug me a lot, people who betray me, and skim and fat-free milk. Oh, that’s so disgusting; it’s like it has no taste at all. I love horror books, loud music, cooking and baking, and lions! Mostly female lions, though. My favorite bands are basically the same as Jake’s. Hollywood Undead, Avenged Sevenfold, Papa Roach, Hinder, Saving Abel... Yeah. I like a lot. Now you know about me, and this is my life...” I finished off with, and started to tell them my story.


Tell me what you think of my first story, will ya? first one to comment a good one (as opposed to offensive) gets chapter one dedicated to them! I'll upload as soon as I get 1 vote or 1 comment. =)

Oh yeah, the picture on the right is of the main character, Kristi. The song on the right is Fallen Angels by Black Veil Brides (if you think about it, it kinda does go with this chapter, like it's talking about the characters as being fallen angels...).

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