TMI - Chapter 15

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Meg’s pulse skipped beats long after Chase left. He’d kissed her… or she’d kissed him. It was all a bit of a blur now. She ran a finger over her lips. They still tingled.

No. No, this wasn’t what she wanted. She wanted school and a degree and a career not kisses that tingled. So she grabbed a canvas and started prepping. Work always centered her. It would take her mind off tingling lips and aching hearts. She glanced outside and decided to re-create the last snow storm when Chase and his little brothers tried to save their snow man. She mixed shades. She needed to contour, to highlight. She dabbed white over green, layered snow over bits of green lawn with —

Her phone buzzed and she cursed out loud. She didn’t want to talk about it, analyze it, dissect it. They were just feelings and they would go away if she could take her mind off stuff. But the Caller ID showed it was Bailey and now Meg wavered. Every cell in her body screamed Ignore it! She even thought about smashing the phone against the wall of her room but she needed her phone with its ancient flip-out keyboard. Cursing her own weakness, she dropped her brush and finally answered.

“I’m so sorry, Meg!” Bailey’s voice thick with tears wailed in her ear. “Meg?”

“Yeah, I’m here. I’m listening.” Meg’s own voice was just as thick. She’d never expected Bailey to apologize. She’d forgive Bailey, of course she would. Hell, she already had.

“I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just wanted to—”

“Not share him. I get that.” Chase’s words replayed in Meg’s mind and suddenly, it all made perfect sense.

“You do?”

“Yeah. I’m sorry, too. I know I can come on really strong sometimes, but I hate knowing something I did made you keep a boyfriend a secret from me.”

Bailey was quiet for so long, Meg had to look at her phone to be sure the call hadn’t dropped. “Bay? You still there?”

“Yeah. Sorry. Oh, Meg, really, I’m so sorry. I never wanted you to feel bad. I just wanted…”

“It’s okay, Bailey.”

“Yay!” She squealed.

Meg twisted a paint rag into a knot. Apologies were a huge first step. Now came the true test; acceptance. “Tell me about him.”

Bailey told her everything and Meg bit her lip, hoping she wouldn’t say anything to upset her all over again. “Meg, I think — well, I thought I made a mistake breaking up with Simon. Until I met Ryder.”

But you didn’t actually meet him, did you? Meg bit her lip harder.

“I really miss Simon. I know he wasn’t always nice to me, but I still miss him. Or I did. But with Ryder, the whole Simon thing doesn’t hurt so much. He’s just… well, he’s sweet. He treats me the way you always said I should be treated.”

Meg’s shoulders dropped. Hard to argue with your own words. She squeezed her eyes shut and hoped this worked out for Bailey. “He sounds great, Bailey. Really great.”

“Oh, he is. Trust me.”

Trust me. Bailey’s words were like a hammer to the head. That was the whole problem, wasn’t it? She hadn’t trusted Bailey. Chase said she was judgmental. Meg sank to her bed, squeaked an apology of her own. “I’m so sorry, Bay. I don’t want you to hide guys from me.”

“Okay, let’s not do this anymore. Can you come over?”

“What, like now?”

“Yeah, right now.”

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