Chapter Eleven - Annoying Babies And Arrogant Baby Daddies.

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Merry Christmas!

I hope you all had awesome holiday becasue I did. And I decided to write a little just a little gift from me to you.

So here is the next chapter. This is just a little filler chapter is where all the drama happens. And as I already said before someone finds out about Morgan hehe. I'm actually writing it right now so it should be up soon, in about a hour.


Chapter 11 - Annoying Babies And Arrogant Baby Daddies.

Will this torture ever end?

The high pitched wail made my head ache and my ears felt as if they were about to burst at any moment. I lay under the covers of my bed, wishing with all my brain power that the stupid little doll in the corner of my room would shut up. I knew that it would be easy to just simply get up and tend to it but that was what I had been doing all night. Not only had it kept me up the entire night, fitting keys into its stupid back in the hope that at one point it would shut up and let me have a little sleep but it also had me roaming the house at all hours, bouncing it to my chest, and trying to get it to shut up.

It only exceeded in stopping the crying for ten minutes tops and every time that I had settled back into bed, waiting for sleep to take over, the crying would start all over again. Many times I had thought about throwing the thing out of my second story window but the thought of failing the assignment made me stop in my tracks. Don't get me wrong, I was almost going to do it. At around two in the morning I had the window open and my arm threw back, just about to hurl the stupid thing when I saw a face in my head.

Scott's face.

The amused, 'I knew you couldn't do it' face.

And no way was I letting him have the satisfaction of seeing me give up. So I then slid the window back into its place and began inserting keys into the babies back again in a stonily silence.

I had had around two hours sleep last night tops.

And to say I was tired was an extreme understatement.

"Would you shut up that thing already?!" A voice sounded from above the covers. I peeked my head through my cocoon in bed to see my brother's angry face at the door. His hair was carefully styled and he looked ready for the day to come in his light jeans and white t-shirt.

I grumbled a few words for a reply that not even I could understand. I heard a sigh and some footsteps enter the room and by some miracle, the thing stopped crying.

I burst out through my hiding spot to see Chase cuddling the baby to his chest making cooing noises. If I hadn't been so tired, I would have laughed at the scene.

"Ohmigosh," I breathed. "If you could just take it away and keep it quiet, I would be forever grateful." I pleaded, looking at my brother with puppy dog eyes, the thought of sleep giving me a burst of anticipation. He rolled his eyes, setting it back done on the table.

"Dream on and besides, you have to get up now. We have school." His statement made me groan and my head fell back onto the pillows. I had forgotten that I would have to get up for school. Now I would look and feel like a mess in a place where everyone looked perfect and healthy all the time.

I pushed the blankets of my body and placed my feet on the soft carpeted floor. Stretching didn't help to take away some of exhaustion I felt right now and neither did my daily morning shower. While brushing my face, one look in the mirror had me gasp in horror. My crystal blue eyes had huge ugly bags under them, making them look wary and exhausted, things which I had to admit, I definitely felt. To make it worse, my skin look pale and pasty, two descriptions that would ensure I would stick out like a sore thumb today since everyone here had tanned silky skin.

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