Hate that I love You (Carry Out PT 2)- Nouis

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Do you mind making a part two of this? Where Louis wakes up all alone and becomes kind of depressed because he thought that him and Niall had something - _WeyHey_Horan

I'm sorry its so short, but I wanted it to be short and purely emotional :) so I hope you enjoy this :) xox 

PS I made that seperate Larry Oneshot book :) 

-Evie xox 

(PPS. I'm also doing the 30 day writing challenge so if you want toread that, i'd like that) 

A small ray of watery winter sunlight slipped through the small break in the curtains and danced over the face of sleeping Louis Tomlinson. He inhaled slowly before turning over to get away from the light, his fingers stretching over the bed looking for something, or rather someone.  

His eyes fluttered open and he looked at the empty bed next to him before rubbing his tired eyes and getting out of bed to put some food into his rumbling stomach, he walked along the empty hallway and into his empty kitchen.  

Louis stuffed some toast under the grill and turned to the small round table and froze, his heart thudding in his chest. On the small table was a glass of water and next to that were two pills placed on a folded piece of paper, Louis hadn’t evened noticed his hangover until this point but as he walked over to the table he noticed his hands shaking.

Louis picked up the glass of water and threw back the pills in one gulp and sat down and looked at the little piece of paper and studied it curiously not wanting to pick it up. The once pure white paper was slightly grubby and creased almost like it had been played with and handled a lot before being placed on the table. He looked at it for a few more moments before picking it up and opening it up and staring at the two words that were imprinted on the paper, in a slightly messy pencil scrawl.

‘Stay Safe’      

Louis scoffed and threw the paper down on the table and crossed his arms. What did Niall mean by that? Talk about a fucking cynical message Louis thought and got up to shower, throwing the paper recklessly down on the table.

As the hot water beat down on Louis’ back he let his mind wander back to last night and he closed his eyes and leant against the wall remembering the connection that he and Niall had shared. The way that they seemed to know exactly what the other one was thinking and the way that Niall held him close as he thrusted to him.

Now call Louis crazy, but Louis was pretty sure that all meant something, even the little details like the way that Niall looked at him and the way that Niall’s lips felt against his skin. But mostly for Louis it was the way that after they had finished up and were just lying there it was way that Niall held him close as they finished and had stroked his hair until he had fallen asleep and then had pressed a kiss to his forehead.

Louis smiled at the memories and then the tears flooded to his eyes and he couldn’t stop them as they flowed down his face and hit the shower floor. Louis sobbed openly then, without taking a breath he opened the door to the shower and ran to his bedroom and jumped on his big double bed that smelt so much like dirt, sweat and cum but mostly of Niall, and that only made the tears flow faster and harder.

Niall was the first to makes his heart race like it did, the first person to make him feel loved and the first person to break his heart beyond repair. To smash his heart into smithereens and play with the pieces before taking one and walking away with it into the distance away from Louis.

Louis hated Niall for this, hated him for dancing with him in the club, hated Niall for letting him take him home, hated Niall for having sex, making love with him, and he hated Niall for leaving him in the morning.

But mostly Louis hated that he loved Niall.