January 30, 1998

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January 30, 1998

Dear Mom,

               I’ve got my head down on my desk, and I’m sleeping during class again. I’m sure that the teacher won’t mind. She’s too old to notice anyways. Besides, it’s not like anyone ever acknowledges my presence. I’m lost in my dreams until the bell rings, signaling the end of class.

            “Finally!” I shout, lifting my head from off the desk. “Saved by the bell!” The entire class erupts in laughter as everyone files out of the door. I’m the last to leave and the only one that waves goodbye to the teacher. It’s never too late to try and get onto somebody’s good side, right? I pull the door closed behind me and hurry to the carpool line.

            On my way there, McKenzie, my best friend at the time, approaches and begins walking at my side.

            “Josh wanted me to tell you how much he wants another kiss,” McKenzie informs me in a joking voice. I laugh, giving her a gentle shove.

            “Ugh! He’s so controlling! Tell him that I’m dumping him… I hate possessive boyfriends,” I groan in annoyance. I should have dumped Josh a long time ago.

            McKenzie snickers, turning her back to me as she steps onto her bus. I watch her bus drive away with all the others, fading from view. Behind the long line of big, yellow vehicles, is an even longer line of normal cars. Right at the end sits Mrs. Debby. Sighing, I take a seat on the ground and pull out my phone.

            While students climb into their parents or drivers cars, I open up a text from Braidey. I grin as I read the message.

Braidey: Finally! You dumped Josh!(;

I have dibs though… wanna go out?

Moving my thumbs as fast as humanly possible, I type in a response.

Hmmm…give me a lil time to think?

            I wanted to type in a “hell yeah”, but I can’t be too anxious. Guys don’t like that; they want a challenge, someone to chase after. They want to work for their prize. So I have to play it cool, have to be hard to get.

            Mrs. Debby pulls up right as Braidey responds. She rolls down her window and opens her big mouth to shout my name, but I slice my hand across my throat, gesturing for her to keep her trap shut. She immediately complies, not wanting to embarrass me. I climb into the front seat and buckle my seatbelt. When I’m comfortable and safely secured, Mrs. Debby pulls out of the school and starts heading towards her house. As she drives, I pull my phone out and read my new text from Braidey.

Braidey: Oh, come on; don’t play that game. Lmao, I know ya want me…

            I smile at his pathetic pick up line, knowing that he’s purposely being cheesy. It just works for him. Feeling brave, I reply to the message.

How would you know if I wanted you: even I don’t know that? Haha, I told ya to give me some time.

            Assuming that he won’t respond, I turn my phone off and shove it into my pocket. I inwardly laugh at how you once thought that I wouldn’t be dating until high school. Ha!

                                                                                    Love, Hate, Katherin

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