Chapter Nineteen

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Suzume’s mind spun for a moment before the words could come out properly. This has to be a trick, or a dream, or a hallucination. I am not the reincarnation of some thousand year dead priestess. There’s just no way.

Suzume spoke next without thinking: “How do I know you’re not going to use me for my spiritual powers?” She regretted her words the moment they escaped her mouth. She knew there was no turning back now, so she decided to run with it. She placed her hands on her hips and looked down at the small bald man. He didn’t come up much higher than her hip. She gave him a scowl that turned most men into simper idiots –except Kaito, but he wasn’t most men.

The bald man, god -- or whatever he was---  chuckled and smiled at Suzume. “You’ve been hurt before, I can see that.” He frowned slightly as he looked into the distance. It gave Suzume the creeps. “You’ve been hurt many times.”

Is this guy insane? What is he talking about? “What do you mean? I’ve never been hurt, really...” Her father’s impassive face as he delivered her sentence floated to the surface of her mind. She shoved it down where it belonged. I don’t care what my father thinks.

“No? What about when your father disowned you and you were exiled to a remote shrine? Did that not hurt? What about your mother choosing her lover over her children. Did that not sting?” The god said with a raised eyebrow.

Suzume shivered. It’s like he can read my mind. I don’t think I’ll ever get the hang of these immortals. “Hey, I thought you were going to grant my wish, not analyze my personal life,” she said hoping to redirect the conversation away from said personal life.

The god shook his head but he was still smiling.

What’s so amusing? Suzume narrowed her eyes at him

Ignoring Suzume’s suspicious glance, he elaborated “Your wish is not something simple, I fear. Your life has many folds like a lily.” He opened his hand and a white lily was blooming there. It unfolded its multitude of petals revealing a pink center.

A few weeks ago, that might have been impressive to Suzume. After everything she’d gone through with thus far, she was not going to be distracted by a something so simple and non-threatening.

“How do you know what my wish is when I haven’t even asked for anything yet?” She said with her arms now crossed over her chest. He spoke in too many riddles for her liking.  

He closed his hand and the lily disappeared. Even she had to admit that was pretty cool. He folded his hands in front of himself placing them into the folds of his sleeves as he spoke. “It is my gift and my power. I am a creator and giver of life.”

She eyed the supposed god up and down. The top of his head would reach her chest and he was thick around the middle with chubby fingers and short stubby legs. This guy is a creator? I find that hard to believe.

“Is it so hard to believe one as small as me could bring life?” His voice was mellow but there was a sharp edge to it, hidden beneath his calm words.

Suzume took an unconscious step back. “You can read my mind? That’s not fair!” She pointed an accusing finger in his direction.

He laughed long and loud this time. His round body shook with the force of his laughter. The sound was absorbed by the silence around them. This place is creepy--why is it so quiet here?

 He took a moment to collect his breath before looking at her.  “I know what your wish is because I do not need words to grant a wish. How else did you think I granted your earlier wishes, when they were never spoken aloud?”

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