Broken but still alive

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Broken but still alive

By: tash07

©Copyright 2013 all work presented is property of tash07, any duplication or reproduction of all or part of this work done by the author without explicit permission is severely prohibited and illegal.

Dedicated to Icywinter.

“A story can take you places where no one dares talk about.”

I’m broken inside

Feelings collide

They don’t know me

They don’t even try

Tears can fall

I can call

But no one listens

Not anymore

So broken I ly

Against time

My feelings torn

My thoughts long gone

A sigh

A whisper

Can escape my lips

But what does it matter

About all this

I close my eyes

And let them come

Hot, wet drops

That seem to beckon

Yet through it all

I seem to remember

Tiny moments

That I had with me

They revolve around me

Like soft caresses

The laughter, the giggles and even a smile

My eyes open

And I sigh

Maybe all is not gone

As I once had in mind

Broken but still aliveWhere stories live. Discover now