@AJerkInLove 0r Nam :)

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Account Name: AJerkInLove

Nickname: Nam

Birthday: October 30, 1996

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Status: Active during weekends :)

Member or Admin: Member

Writer or Reader: Both

Idol na Author(s): Girlinlove, Aly, Black lily, FG, casper, ate Denny, Ate Bianca and many moooore :)

15 Fun Facts about you:

-I'm lazy 

-I'm a huge fan of KPOP 

-Prangka ako kung magsalita 

-Nakabuo ako ng story dahil sa first heartbreak ko 


Hobbies: Volleyball, Writing and Reading

Your dream/goal: To finish my studies

Motto: My personality is different from my attitude. My personality is ME and my attitude depends on YOU


1. Are you willing to give your best to help the newbie(s)? Why?

Yes. Because I know that all of us have potential to be a writer and help them to become the best writer

2. Are you willing to contibute your efforts to made this group successful?

Yes of course. This is group is not only to help the newbies but to socialize and make new friends

3. What do you think will be the best quote that you wanted to share to those newbie(s)?

Write from your heart <3 


Message to all: Admins/Members & Newbies: 

Hello! Let's make this group a successful one!


You Promise: 

I promise to cooperate in all activities here in this group and to help other people :)

-- Konti yung FACTS. wala na akong mailagay eh XD

Admins & Members ProfileTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon