Chapter Eight (Revised)

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Oh and dedicated to Heartland6547 for the cute banner on the side!

As I sat in Ben's living room, the silence suffocating me, I really started to second guess my resolve to ask him for guidance. With the exception of two or three people, I'd never really been cursed with the issue of wanting approval. However, the more I thought about the nature of my problem, the more I realized that Ben had somehow made that extremely short list and that I was worried he would think less of me if he found out I'd slept with Alex. Not to mention the fact I'd kissed him pretty heatedly the other night. More than anything, I wished he would stop looking at me like he could see my problems before I'd had the opportunity to tell him what was bothering me, because that was just unnerving. 

In his black work slacks and white wife beater, he sat there reclined in the plush leather love seat situated adjacent from the matching couch where I sat. His left arm was completely tatted up and peeking just above his shirt were two more tattoos. Glancing around the room I realized how much it didn't say about him. There were no photos, no mess and hardly any furnishings. There was just a really huge flat screen television mounted on the wall, a small round glass table and the two black couches.

Another surge of guilt ran through me as my eyes wandered back to Ben and I took in the bags under his eyes. His recent stretch of sleepless nights was at least partially my fault. I cleared my throat and decided that I couldn't tolerate the silence any longer.

"So how was your day?" I asked lamely.

When he tensed up at my inquiry, I found myself genuinely confused. Normally that type of question was a safe one, but it was clear as day that the question peeved him. Either one wasn't supposed to ask a cop how his day went or it was just Ben. I couldn't be sure either way since I wasn't exactly in the habit of making friendly small talk with cops. Deciding a change of subject was in order, I decided to ramble about the leak I discovered in the roof when it rained the other day and how the landlord was being a pain in the ass about repairs.

Finally in an abrupt fashion he interrupted my menial talk for something of more importance. That wasn't saying much though since pretty much anything was more important than that.

"Okay, so I thought I could wait for you to fess up yourself, but it turns out I was wrong since I'm the type of guy that deals with problems head on. It's the cop in me, I guess." He shrugged, both of his hands coming up to massage his forehead. Leaning forward to let his elbows rest on his knees he looked me in the eyes and said what I feared he would say, "Adrienne, I know what you did."

 I blinked once, not sure what I should say other than "You do?"

"Yes," he replied flatly, causing my stomach to turn. "I can't tell you how disappointed I am, how betrayed I feel. The more I think about it, the more pissed off I get."

"I-I'm sorry," I managed to stutter out. "I didn't mean for it to happen!"

"Things like that don't just 'happen'." He scoffed. "Honestly Adrienne. We may not have stayed in touch, or even be best friends anymore, but I think I deserve your honesty. I don't like to be played with and if you were any other person, any other woman, you would've discovered quickly that I am not to be trifled with."

 A chill went down my spine as I thought of how threatening he sounded. I was instantly thankful that I seemed to be an exception to whatever it was that he did to put people in their place.

 "Alex and I never do stuff like that!" I defended thinking of the other night. "I didn't think you'd get so worked up over it, otherwise I'd never have come to you for advice." I bit my lip almost to the point of bleeding all the while trying to figure out what I'd said to make him realize what had happened between me and Alex. That is unless Alex had disclosed our indiscretion himself. The idea that he would go to Ben behind my back pissed me off even though that was exactly what I'd intended to do.

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